RandomCoords adds a random offset to the players coordinates to prevent players using F3 debug screen for positioning info.
When a player logs in or changes world, it generates two random values that it adds to the players x and z coordinate. Chunk borders and cardinal directions stay.
Visit thread on BukkitForums
- randomcoords.bypass
- Receive the actual coords
No. First, every player sees different coords, second, the values change every time the player reconnects, respawns or changes world.
Won't the random cords stay the same in the same spot anyhow? If clan A wants to find clan B's hideout, couldn't they just write down the new random cords once that hideout's found and walk there?
No need for an update, you are missing ProtocolLib.
Please, update for CB 1.4.5-R1.0
Thank you in advance.
now there is an error:
Awesome =D
No, that would need a client mod.
This is cool, any chance we will one day be able to put our own text in there like "Hey... this is survival, no cheating" :P
That's probably because you're using Orebfuscator. ProtocolLib itself should work, provided the plugins using it is up to date.
There is a developer build of Orebfuscator for 1.4.4 out already, though. Maybe you should give it a try.
Protocol lib isn't updated for 1.4.4 yet so I don't expect it to work properly as it spammed my console already :P
RandomCoords v1.1 uploaded, fixing console spam on 1.4.4. Waiting for approval!
Looks like it can't quite handle 1.4.4:
It seems that you're missing a "break" statement in the Translate.outgoing method. :P
It wasn't a problem before because Minecraft didn't actually send map chunk bulk packets, but apparently, that has been re-enabled.
Thank you! :)
I love this. Such a brilliant idea. And I must say, the code is very neat and easy to read (even decompiled).
Nice work. :)