Random Teleport
Random Teleport
Random Teleport is a simple, lightweight plugin that allows players to use a command, or button and sign to teleport them randomly to the wild based on the preferences in the config.yml!
Random Teleport allows users (with the proper permission) to easily teleport into the wild with one simple command! Despite RandomTP's competitors, this plugin allows you to fully configure the plugin to your own desire! With implementation both command or sign, it's easy to let new players know that they can get to the wild easily! No more /warp wild and having that location constantly griefed, each location is randomized per player!
Simply drag RandomTP.jar into your plugins folder and reload / restart your server. The configuration file will be automatically generated.
Command | Aliases | Description |
/randomtp | rtp | Teleports you to a random location in your world if it is configured with RandomTeleport. |
Permission | Description |
randomtp.tp | Gives permission to use /randomtp |
randomtp.signs.use | Gives permission to use signs |
randomtp.signs.create | Gives permission to create signs |
How to use signs
RandomTP utilizes signs in an entirely new way! Instead of having buttons and signs, it's purely just signs now! The sign setup should be as follows:
Line 1: [RandomTP]
Line 2: World name (i.e world, MyWorld, world_nether, etc)
Click here for configuration help.
Do you enjoy RandomTP? Wanna buy me a drink, or maybe some fries, think of donating to me! Simply click the Donate button below the Login / User preferences bar (Next to the curse link and above the Download button) and send me a thanks! I appreciate you all using my plugins!
Other Information
Like this plugin? Check out my others! IP Detection - Track players IP and stop ban evaders! CloakBreaker - Stop players from burning other while invisible! Region Module - Let players protect their own lots! Random Teleport - Easily let players teleport to the wild!!
If you like this plugin, and want more like it, think of donating to me!
When i give the player permission to use the command with /mangaddp Newbie randomtp.tp or /mangaddp Newbie randomtp.use it comes up saying /randomtp and does not allow them to teleport.
Are the radom calculate position round or square? i want to set a worldborder. Thanks
use RandomTP.use
How do I give permissions to everyone to use /rtp.
Of course people who are oped have access to the command but other players who join do not have access to the command can you please help.
Ever think about updating this plugin? Granted it still works with 1.9.4... mostly. haven't tested it with 1.10.. it probably works though. I used to be a tester of yours btw. If you're interested in going into spigot submissions I could help you. Just saying ;) not that you want to... spigot is good... but alot of people on their "dev" list are less than stellar..
How to i give permission to all players
I want /rtp to be linked in only one world.
but when im in world EMPTY, and this world is not configured - i tried to use RTP - it tried to find location in THIS world, not configured world named "world"
The plugin is great and works exactly as it states. Only problem I have with it is that there is no language file to configure. If you could, would you mind adding one in a future update?
Same error message than Mick_Mack. latest version for 1.7.10 too (modded server)
And the sign work. But doesn't take the money from player, and doesn't have the cooldown i put in the config.
I am getting a message when I try to use the commands:
"An internal error has occurred while attempting to perform this command"
I am pretty sure I have the latest version for 1.7.10 if I update it then it will be 1.8. When I do /pl it shows this plugin is green so I am not sure what to do. All my players have the perms to use the commands
The funny thing is that this can be fixed with 1 line of code
Not sure why it wouldn't work on line 1 and 2, because it works fine for me.
I have fixed this issue in the next update. It should be out within the next few days.
Hmm seems a bit complicated to be done easily. Would have to redo a lot of the code.
You should be able to do this already. However, in the next version I've made it so if you use the RandomTeleport command in a world which doesn't have teleportation setup and enabled, it will prevent you from running the command.
Hello, Awesomme plugin! But when I was setting up the RandomTP sign it didn't work. After a while I figured that it should be line 2 and 3 and not line 1 and 2.
might wanna fix that in your post above :p
Players can use this command in worlds that they are not supposed to, so is there a way to stop them from using the command in specific worlds?
Hey i allways get this when i use the tp sign
17:28:14 WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove rloaded? Running 6309ms behind, skipping 126 tick(s)
i have 5gb ram for the server and good pc specs, how can i make the chunks load faster or something? please help me :)
Can you make it so that you can link signs with certain regions. Currently if I were to use a sign to spawn somewhere randomly it would move me to some random spot. Well, I would like to be able to control multiple areas where I spawn. So instead of one border there are like 4. Each sign places you in border region 1,2,3, or 4 based on the region it is linked to. For instance if I wanted to spawn somewhere on a island called "Pony" I would use this sign and then if i wanted to spawn randomly on another island called "MorePonies" I would have to use a different sign. They would be in the same world. Would that be possible? Does what I'm asking make sense?