Random Teleport
Random Teleport
Random Teleport is a simple, lightweight plugin that allows players to use a command, or button and sign to teleport them randomly to the wild based on the preferences in the config.yml!
Random Teleport allows users (with the proper permission) to easily teleport into the wild with one simple command! Despite RandomTP's competitors, this plugin allows you to fully configure the plugin to your own desire! With implementation both command or sign, it's easy to let new players know that they can get to the wild easily! No more /warp wild and having that location constantly griefed, each location is randomized per player!
Simply drag RandomTP.jar into your plugins folder and reload / restart your server. The configuration file will be automatically generated.
Command | Aliases | Description |
/randomtp | rtp | Teleports you to a random location in your world if it is configured with RandomTeleport. |
Permission | Description |
randomtp.tp | Gives permission to use /randomtp |
randomtp.signs.use | Gives permission to use signs |
randomtp.signs.create | Gives permission to create signs |
How to use signs
RandomTP utilizes signs in an entirely new way! Instead of having buttons and signs, it's purely just signs now! The sign setup should be as follows:
Line 1: [RandomTP]
Line 2: World name (i.e world, MyWorld, world_nether, etc)
Click here for configuration help.
Do you enjoy RandomTP? Wanna buy me a drink, or maybe some fries, think of donating to me! Simply click the Donate button below the Login / User preferences bar (Next to the curse link and above the Download button) and send me a thanks! I appreciate you all using my plugins!
Other Information
Like this plugin? Check out my others! IP Detection - Track players IP and stop ban evaders! CloakBreaker - Stop players from burning other while invisible! Region Module - Let players protect their own lots! Random Teleport - Easily let players teleport to the wild!!
If you like this plugin, and want more like it, think of donating to me!
I am giving him a chance, I'm not being biased, I'm just asking that people read the entire page before they ask for help.
Dude, seriously, just chill out. You know as well as I do that your comment was inappropriate, and you shouldn't have posted it in the first place. And no, I'm not being biased, taking sides, I'm just trying to explain things, and people are blowing what I say out of proportion. I simply just want players to read the whole page before asking questions. Secondly, I have no idea how the Bukkit permissions work :L I've never really had to use them. I installed the plugin PermissionsEX to handle that, you can add permissions with a command and it's much easier. If you insist on using the Bukkit permissions, look on the wiki for how to use it. Sorry I'm not much help to you there.
Great, this is a plugin page, not fighting arena. Let's get back to the plugins :D
report for what? Being a dick here? Apparently I'm not the only one. I seems like you are very biased to those other idiots which were the semirotta and craftik7. You obviously saw what mean comments they wrote before I did but you didn't want to pick on them and why? Because you are biased to them. So go ahead, report all you want. I no longer care about my reputation and my account.
hm..so there is no other way of giving permission without pex?
Even though you're politely explaining it to him, give new people a chance. You're the author so you should help without any excuses.
Dude, don't start accusing before you even know what he needs help for. He needed to know where to put permissions in from the bukkit folder. And so what if he really didn't read it? At least be nice. It's not as if you fucking read the whole Terms And Conditions when you download shit. Be nicer to newer people in this community.
That's completely unacceptable here. Do not post anything like that again on this page or I will report you. Your comment as been removed. As to your questions: You need a permissions plugin, like PEX to handle permissions.
No I'm like asking where do I put the permission code(randomtp.teleport) in the plugin
hi, i get this huge error Click me
Edit: when running it on my home run server i get that error but on my real server i dont so it doesnt really matter, btw nice plugin
Also am i doing the sign teleport wrong it doesnt seen to work? Click me
Woah there sparky. Chill out. All we ask is that you read the entire page, everything you need to know about operating my plugin is in the page. Don't take it offensively, I just ask you read everything before you ask for help :)
Thanks! I'm glad people like it =P
Shut up kiddo. BTW awesome plugin.
Eh fuck you. How am I to know how to add this coding to the plguin fucker. I am still new to bukkit plugins configquration right bitch.
Remove their permission to use the command.
Is there anyway I can make people only teleport by signs and no command useage?
Yeah, it would be nice if you read the entire page :P Everything you need it right there. Literally.
@semirotta Thanks for helping, hahahahaha
@EverCandy People like you make me sick.. Youre not even bothering to read what the hell there is in describtion...
Here is once, do not ask it again...
How do you give permission to non-op players?
Alright :P
Nevermind, I guess it fixed itself over time. Thanks for the help though!
I sent you a reply. Please read.
I sent a ticket in about the tping in the wrong world. Please help.