RandomTP v3.1.0
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UploadedDec 31, 2013
Size29.51 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.2
Version 3.1.0 - New Years Special Update
- Added automatic updater with option to disable per DBO Requirements
- Added one time teleports
- Added permission to use signs (randomtp.use.signs)
- Added command /randomtp remove <player> to allow players to teleport again (if OneTimeTeleport is enabled)
- Option to teleport player in the current world that they're in
IMPORTANT: When updating to v3.1.0 delete the current RandomTP folder and .jar file and replace with the new jar file.
- iConomy being the only permissible plugin allowing for cost removal
- Attempting to teleport with a sign whilst Cooldown is enabled will ALWAYS reset the cool down back to the time in the config.