RandomTP v3.0.0
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UploadedDec 26, 2013
Size13.95 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.2
Version 3.0.0 - Christmas Special Update
- Offers 1.7[.x] support!
- Fixed config generation
- Fixed Cooldown being in milliseconds rather than seconds
- Removed SafeTeleport in place of an ALWAYS self teleport.
- Players will never spawn in an ocean biome, river biome, or when their eye location isn't air (Some exceptions to the eye location)
- Added alias /rtp
- Added a SaveMe function to allow players who do get stuck to teleport to the highest block on the Y axis. (Command: /randomtp saveme or /rtp s)
- Reformatted Text to be more pretty :)
- Fixed Economy being derpy (You MUST have iConomy in order to use the Cost function of this plugin.)
- Fixed X coordinate always being negative. Now both X and Z have a fifty / fifty chance of being negative or positive.
- Allowed Sign Teleports to use a wood button instead of only a stone button
- Preloaded chunks to help prevent lag :D (Still a but laggy though, working this out)
IMPORTANT: When updating to v3.0.0 delete the current RandomTP folder and .jar file and replace with the new jar file.
- iConomy being the only permissible plugin allowing for cost removal
- Attempting to teleport with a sign whilst Cooldown is enabled will ALWAYS reset the cool down back to the time in the config.