RandomTP v2.0.0 - B0.1


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 4, 2013
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    11.38 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.2-R0.1


Version 2.0.1: Offers 1.6.2 support. Note: THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT BUILD. Same as bukkit, I tested the very basic commands of /randomtp and it works on 1.6.2. So basically, it compiles and runs and that's all you're getting right now. Sorry :(

Version 2.0.1: Fixed the issue of RandomTP being sensitive when a button that isn't a RandomTP button is pressed. I also fixed the version number :3 There's no incentive to update unless you want too.

Version 2.0.0: Added tons of new features! First off, this now offers CraftBukkit 1.5.2.-R0.1 support. Secondly, New things have beed added to the config. Regarding that, there's now a world section. System administrators can put ANY world they want in that area (Provided that the world exists.) BEWARE: If your world is: world_nether or world_the_end, players will either be spawned on top of the Nether, or into the Void when sent to the End. Secondly, SafeTeleport should now work again. I tested, still the issue with teleporting on the side of the glass block, not deadly just inconvenient. Also, I added a cost implementation, so that admins who want players to be charged for the teleport cant configure that in the config. Simple set the Enable to true, and set your cost. NOTE: The cost has to be a double. Lastly, I've added an anti-cheat to RandomTP. This checks if the player is in Water, Lava, or in the air and then cancels their teleport. There is a MinimumHealthValue however, that isn't working properly yet. In the next update I plan to add a cool down in the anti-cheat section as well. IF YOU PLAN ON IMPLEMENTING THE COSTS, YOU NEED TO HAVE ICONOMY INSTALLED! READ THIS IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT: When updating to version 2.0.0 please delete the "RandomTP" folder located in the plugins folder, and remove the jar. Place the new jar in the plugins folder and restart / reload your server.

Version 1.1.0: Added SafeTeleport implementation and working on Region Bypasses.

Version 1.0: Initial Release

I have no idea if cool downs work or not.

MinimumHealthValue isn't working.

Region Bypasses are not functioning optimally.

SafeTeleport teleports the player to the edge of the glass. (Players will remain safe)