Random Spawn
Random Spawn is a simple plugin that spawns players at a random location in the world on their first login (configurable) and when they die. Sleeping in a bed disables the random spawn function and players will respawn at their bed when they die.
This is the first plugin I made. The idea for this plugin came from NuclearW's SpawnArea. I've used that for a while on my own server but thought it could use some extra features, so I tried to make one myself.
Thanks to NuclearW and Bretflann for being awesome and letting me use some of their code!
Thanks to WayGroovy and Francis Fenderson for donating!
- Random Spawn will not spawn players in:
- lava
- cacti
- water
- fire
- You can set a border where the players will random spawn inside
- After a player has lain or slept in a bed he won't be random spawned anymore and he will re-spawn at their bed if he dies
- This can be disabled when setting usebeds: false in the world.yml
- You can configure if players will be random spawned on there first join. (if false they will spawn at the map's default spawnpoint)
- you can set the first spawn location with the /setspawn command
- You can exclude players from being random spawned using the RandomSpawn.exclude permission node
- Random Spawn spawns players in a set area. You can define this area per world in the worlds.yml.
- Multiworld compatable
- Random Spawn signs. Type: [RandomSpawn] on the first line of a sign. To specify a world, type the world name on the second line. Configurable in config.yml.
- Custom messages after respawning.
- Spawning on command. since 2.4
When updating to version 1.6, please remove all the yml's and reconfigure them!
See this page!
The permission nodes are optional.
- RandomSpawn.info Defaulted true
- RandomSpawn.help
- RandomSpawn.reload
- RandomSpawn.configure
- RandomSpawn.exclude
- RandomSpawn.setfirstspawn
- RandomSpawn.tpfirstspawn
- RandomSpawn.placesign
- RandomSpawn.usesign Defaulted true
- RandomSpawn.spawn
To-do list:
- Increase performance Increased performance a lot in version 1.6.1
- Circular spawn area's
- Any idea's?
Conflicting Plugins:
- SpawnX
Source available on Github!
If you like what I'm doing. Consider donating :) Please use the donate button in the top right.
plz 1.16.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
works awesome but i've ran into a problem, whenever a new player joins the server they always suffocate in a wall, die, then respawn fine from there on out. how can i fix this?
"I want to set this up such that when players teleport to the nether they get put in a random location, but I don't see a way how to do this with your plugin. Any help?" Lol i actually just came to this plugin to ask the very same question
One of the best plugins there is! Seems to work also in 1.7.10
I wish there was a feature that would load the chunks near the players next spawn before spawning there. Eg. Show black screen with text: "Loading new spawn area..." and spawning there after the area is actually loaded.
It's better to show nothing than show the player the loading process of the area, slow down the performance and let the monsters tear the player apart (quite often it's night when players die).
I want to set this up such that when players teleport to the nether they get put in a random location, but I don't see a way how to do this with your plugin. Any help?
This is how i set mine up but for some reason whenever a player joins he still spawns on the same spot as everyone else. If he gets killed or something then it becomes random. Any pointers?
setting keeprandomspawns: true in worlds.yml is not having any effect. Players are still spawning to different random locations instead of keeping their first random spawn.
I had the same issue. I fixed it by going to my world.yml and and under the setting: world: randomspawnon adding a line that had - firstjoin Hopefully that helps
Unable to randomly spawn on First Join.
When I set the final line in the World config to:
randomspawnonfirstjoin: true
I notice that any player that joins for the first time, attempts to randomly spawn, and then instead spawns at the world default on the first Join. If I kill them, from that point on they DO randomly spawn.
Is there a fix to this so players will indeed randomly spawn on the first join?
Plugin is working in 1.7.2! Love it.
Is Factions plugin supported? Is it possible to configure to ignore factions claimed territories?
Hey man! I've sent you a PM yesterday. Please, answer me ASAP :)
Is this project dead? If so, I hope someone picks this up!
Thanks for plugin, I love it! I have an important request: can you add price/use/world to worlds.yml file? With iConomy and/or Vault plugins. Thank you!
Do you plan on updating this plugin when the 1.7.2 version of Bukkit comes out?
Hello. I have a bug, when somebody died, he won't spawn random, i have all settings for "randomspawnon" and "kfs" true. Please update it!
This is a error log from the plugin MoneyDrop. You should ask the developer of that plugin for help.
I noticed a bug. I have 'keeprandomspawns: true' set, however when I die and respawn, I don't get sent back to my first random spawn area. I get sent to another random area. I only have -firstjoin under 'randomspawnon'.
Also, a lot of the time I get put in to the ground when I randomly teleport and glitch and have to break the ground in order to get out.
I'm sorry
I've just done these commands:
/randomspawn setarea square 1000
/randomspawn setfirstspawn
Testing as non-admin user, the issue isn't present. With an Admin, the 'stuck inside a block' issue is present.