Version : 5.2.1 (06/05/2012) For CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0+
Author : Erwyn & Dorpaxio
The Rakamak plugin has been created to provide a security opportunity for
servers with online-mode=false.
Cause I was in a particular network configurations with players accessing the
server by the Internet and others by the local Network without Internet access
I was encoutering lots of account stealing, particularly adminisatrators accounts
(oh? isn't it?).
The Rakamak plugin is a simple plugin which asks a password previously set up
by the player, before being able to do anything with his character.
It's my first plugin, so I probably have lots of things to learn, but it works...
- Set a password for each player
- Protect players from account stealing by asking it
- Disable all commands but the login's one when not logged.
- Possibility of changing password > /changepass <currentpassword> <newpassword>
- The player can move only in a radius of 5 blocks.
- Later login, the gamemode of player is changed automatically in survival.
- Disable the chat if player isn't login ( Optional In config )
- A player op. It isn't op later login.
- Possibility of changing the radius of the not movement ( Config )
- Possibility of changing the text.
- No damage if player is not logged.
- Kick player if he tried too many password. (Config)
- Admin Password for more security. (Option)
- See the passwords of others (ADMIN)
- Change the paswwords of others (ADMIN)
- Use permissions.
- Save Ip (Config in settings or per player.)
- /register <thepasswordyouwant> to protect your character
- /login <thesamepassword> to authenticate on login
- /changepass <currentpassword> <newpassword> to change your password
- /achangepass <player> <newpassword> [adminpass] to change passwords of others (ADMIN) - rakamak.admin.changepass
- /aseepass <player> [adminpass] to see passwords of others (ADMIN) - rakamak.admin.seepass
- /rakaload [adminpass] to reload configs and templates (ADMIN) - rakamak.admin.reload
- /logout to disconect without problems and remove currently registered ip.
- /togglesaveip to totally stop/start saving ip (/tsi too).
Commands | Actions | Permissions | |
/login or /lg | To authenticate on login. | None | |
/register or /rs | To protect your character. | None | |
/changepass | To change your password. | None | |
/achangepass | To change other's passwords. | rakamak.admin.changepass | |
/aseepass | To see other's passwords. | rakamak.admin.seepass | |
/rakaload | To reload configs and templates. | rakamak.admin.reload | |
/togglesaveip or /tsi | To totally stop/start saving ip. | None | |
/logout | To disconect without problems and remove currently registered ip. | None |
Changelogs : ChangeLogs
If you have last version before 5.0.0, INSTALL the new settings and new templates !!
Link: Rakamak.rar ( V.5.2.1 )
- MySQL support
- The MySQL support will be optional ( Config )
- 1 or more player per IP (config)
I know about converter, but i still want to use Rakamak (i dont see any bugs on it, but i see some bugs, hacks and dupe in AuthMe, thats why i don`t want use it).
Thank you for you help, maybe if something changed in my mind i will download your plugin.
Good luck. :)
Can i suggest you to use AuthMe Reloaded maybe ?
I've implement Rakamak converter , also you can import your actual database to AuthMe
AuthMe support any PasswordHash and support MySQL
P.S. : if the author of rakamak come back and want me to remove my messages for publicity or something else , just pm me :p
When i write my post - rakamak wont work on 1.4.7 R1.1 spigot. Now - it is working (i update build, and all plugins). So, problem - resolved.
Sorry for my very bad english.
P.S. If author of rakamak will update this, and add MySQL support - it will be great.
Do you have any errors when you use the actual version of Rakamak ?
Anyone want to continue making this plugin? I love it, and use from 2011.
For compatibility problem , or cause it's an inactive project, I'll tell you that it's existing a lot of another authentification plugin , Like AuthMe-Reloaded : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/authme-reloaded/
AuthMe reloaded have a simple command that allow you to convert your old Rakamak authentifications storage , to AuthMe storage, see beelow ! http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/authme-reloaded/pages/how-to-import-database-from-rakamak/
Sorry for spend your time to read this :p
Dorpaxio, please tell me that this plugin is still alive! This is such a super simple plugin, it is much better than the other auth plugins I have tried and really needs an update. It still works, howver, it causes a players logout location to not be saved, everytime players log back in, they are logged in at the world's spawn.
anyone figured how to fix problem with faction? you can use faction commands before you are logged with rakamak.
Hey,could you update this for CraftBukkit 1.3.1 ? It's nice to see the plugin staying up to date.
Hey tout le monde, Rakamak fonctionne très bien sur mon serveur CraftBukkit 1.3.1. Voilà, petite info.
Dorpaxio c'est pas pour te presser mais le PVP est impossible avec Rakamak à cause de ce bug des factions , il faudrait régler ça au plus vite.
I noticed this plugin doesn't have a download link? Is it done for?
I think you should add that if players connect with premium he does not need to register and login, it just remember premium nicks and dont let others with non premium login on same nick
Salut, Je ne sais pas si tu es encore en examen, mais j'aimerai avoir une ligne de code qui me permetterai de savoir si un joueur et connecté ou pas pour un de mes plugins. Merci
Si t'as besoin de moi envoie moi un mp, je suis toujours ok pour quelque chose a coder. ;)
D'accord , bonne chance pour vos examens :)
Oui ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis juste en période d'examens et je n'ai pas trop le temps de coder :s .
Salut ,
SVP Dorpaxio tenez nous au courant , le soucis avec le /f est vraiment super génant :(
Ce serais très urgent de réparer ce soucis avec Faction , car c'est la zizanie sur le serveurs PVP il faudrait nous tenir au courant rapidement
Ca marche?