Rainbow Armour

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Rainbow Armour

by xtechgamer735

Bug Report Download FAQ

Ever wanted your own colour changing armour? Well your in the right place. You can give yourself a helmet, chest plate, leggings, boots or all of the above, with chasing colours. I am looking for new ideas and feedback so leave a comment if you have something you think I should add or change! Perfect as a donator perk or to reward your most established players.


  • Charge players per usage.
  • Make players provide their own armour.
  • Change speed of colour change.
  • Comprehensive permissions.
  • Remove armour's colour when disabled.
  • Clear all armour.
  • Super Compatible (Works with 1.6.4 and up!).
  • Set your own pattern, or use random colours!
  • Customise messages.
  • Require armour to be taken off, so it doesn't get de spawned!
  • Per world settings
  • Over 27k downloads!
  • No known version or plugin incompatibilities!


Command Description
/rainbowarmour Base command. (/ra can be used as a shortcut)
/rainbowarmour helmet Gives player a rainbow helmet.
/rainbowarmour chestplate Gives player a rainbow chestplate.
/rainbowarmour leggings Gives player rainbow leggings.
/rainbowarmour boots Gives player rainbow boots.
/rainbowarmour armour Gives player a full set of rainbow armour.
/rainbowarmour help Shows the plugins help file.
/rainbowarmour reload Reloads the plugins config.
/rainbowarmour clear Clears (removes) all your armour.
/rainbowarmour update

Updates the plugin to the latest version.


Node Description
rainbowarmour.helmet Allows access to /rainbowarmour helmet.
rainbowarmour.chestplate Allows access to /rainbowarmour chestplate.
rainbowarmour.leggings Allows access to /rainbowarmour leggings.
rainbowarmour.boots Allows access to /rainbowarmour boots.
rainbowarmour.armour Allows access to /rainbowarmour armour.
rainbowarmour.auto Automatically gives player full rainbow armour on join.
rainbowarmour.admin Allows access to commands such as reload.
rainbowarmour.clear Allows access to /rainbowarmour clear.
rainbowarmour.re-enable Allows armour to be re enabled when it is put back on (default)
rainbowarmour.gui Deny players this permission to stop them seeing the GUI.
rainbowarmour.lock Lock players rainbow armour.


Players will be alerted if they already have armour on.

rainbowarmour.world.<world name>

Adds player to the white/blacklist for that world.

rainbowarmour.world.<world name>.<item name>

Adds player to the white/blacklist for that world on a per item basis (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots or armour).

To Do:To Do

  • Add economy support (Vault) - Charge per use.
  • Apply to existing leather armour.
  • Save and replace players existing armour.
  • Add a languages file.
  • Command to remove all armour.

If you have any other ideas, please comment them below!

YouTube VideosYouTube Videos

Below are some self/user made videos about the plugin. If you have made your own and would like me to feature it here, drop me a PM. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to create a video for the plugin!

Plugin showcase by Eric from BarberCraft!

Tutorial by GameTutorials

FAQFrequently Asked Questions

  • Is this plugin configurable??
    • Yes, of course - take a look at the config help file here.
  • Does the leather armour get spawned in?
    • This is configurable. You can make players wear the armour before it can become rainbow armour, or make them pay a price for enabling it.
  • Can I have Iron/Gold/Diamond armour instead?
    • No, this is because it is impossible to change the colour of any other armour. Although this will be implemented if/when possible.
  • Will players current armour get despawned?
    • As default yes, but adding the permission node rainbowarmour.notify to players will require them to run another command before the armour is enabled, allowing them to remove any existing armour they may have.



This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.


This plugin also uses bStats to collect information. By default, bStats sends the following data:

  • - Your server's randomly generated UUID
  • - The amount of players on your server
  • - The online mode of your server
  • - The bukkit version of your server
  • - The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
  • - The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
  • - The version of your OS
  • - The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
  • - The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
  • - bStats-supported plugins
  • - Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins

Note, that plugin authors can send custom data, too. All data is public so you can see which data they send. Also notice all sent data is anonymous and we do NOT link the sent information with the server (e.g. server xyz is using plugin zyx) and we also do NOT store the ip of your server.


If you don't want that your server sends data to bStats you can disable it by setting enabled to false in the bStats config file. The config can be found in the /plugins/bStats/config.yml file.

Need help? Visit me here: project page!

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 23, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Oct 9, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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