
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


A plugin for giving players the option to broadcast and receive long distance messages across a server using radio towers.


  • Construction of a broadcast tower for radio signals
  • Transmission of long distance messages via Radio towers
  • Ability to receive signals on specific frequencies
  • Ability to scan for signals on unknown frequencies
  • Ability to customize signal distance, clarity, and colour.

Commands & Permissions

/radio tune [frequency] to the specified [frequency]
/radio for any radio signals in range
/radio off the hand-held radio receiver


For a quickstart, check out zippe's tutorial on the MinerAp wiki.

Constructing a Radio

The most primitive radio possible is constructed by placing a jukebox, then 1 iron bar above it, then a sign on one of the sides of the jukebox with the frequency and a message.

The first line on the sign is the frequency at which the radio will broadcast at. It is written in the form [123.45], where [] are necessary brackets surrounding the frequency, and 123.45 is any valid decimal frequency. Alphabetical characters are not allowed, but any number which can fit on a sign (e.g. [0.0000000000] to [99999999999]) is valid.

Frequencies are truncated, meaning that [0.000] is the same as [0.00] and [0] But none of those are the same as the frequency [0.0010000].

Any other line on the sign holds a message. Additional signs can be placed on the radio. The frequency will only be read off of one sign, meaning that on the other signs the first line can be used to extend your message. The message on all of the signs is stitched into a single long one on broadcast.

The message ignores the fact that signs have limited space and does not split the message. In order to split your message into multiple lines, use the newline character \n.

The order of these steps DOES NOT matter. What does matter though, is that the radio receive redstone power AFTER all of the other steps have been concluded. REDSTONE COMES LAST. The radio must be receiving a constant redstone signal in order to broadcast. Radios broadcast on a time-delay, not based on how fast their redstone power is fluctuating.

Receiving a Signal

Once a radio is broadcasting, the signal it emits can be picked up by a player. To do this, the player must be holding the pipboy. By default this is the compass. The pipboy does not have to be in the player's hand to receive signals, but it must be in their hotbar. However, to perform Radio commands, the pipboy must be in the player's hand.

Once the pipboy is in the player's hand, the tune command (e.g. /radio tune 123.45 for a radio broadcasting on frequency [123.45]) will tune to that signal and broadcast to the player any signals from any nearby radios with a matching frequency.

The player can also use /radio scan which will rarely (1% chance by default) pickup a signal in-range on a random frequency.

The player can use /radio off to shut off their radio.

Enhancing a Radio

Range Boosting

Adding additional iron blocks on top of a Radio (in a vertical line, to make a radio tower) increases the range of the Radio's broadcast. With the default settings, a radio with a tower 170 blocks high will transmit in a 14000 block radius circle. The configuration for amount of boost provided with each additional iron bar is not exact, as the scale is exponential, with INCREASING returns for each additional iron bar added.

Signal Clarity

By default, a Radio's signal quality rapidly diminishes, and even after a short distance will rapidly degrade into illegibility. Adding an iron block, lapus block, gold block, or diamond block (these blocks and their values can be configured) directly above the jukebox (and underneath the iron bars) increases the signal quality.

Without one of these blocks, the signal clarity is 0%, meaning it begins to degrade at distance 0. However, iron bars also slightly increase the clarity.

By default, a gold block will keep the signal clarity at 50%. This means that if the Radio's broadcast distance is 2000 blocks, then approximately 1000 blocks away from the radio, the signal will begin to degrade, but closer than 1000 blocks to the radio it will be crystal clear. A diamond block has a clarity of 99% by default, making it the best for transmitting a powerful signal.

Colouring your Messages

You can place a coloured wool block above the jukebox to change the colour of the transmitted message. If used in conjunction with a signal clarity block, the wool block must go above the clarity block. So from bottom-to-top, jukebox, signal block, wool, iron bars is correct.


Many aspects of the plugin are configurable. At the moment, the options wallRadioPersist and userRadioPersist do nothing.

Due to a programming miscommunication, signal clarity blocks cannot be changed within the configuration at the moment.




VersionChangesCompatible Builds
1.16.0Update to
1.15.2Minimize jar size1.6.4
1.15.1Fix plugin-breaking bug introduced in
1.15.0Fix hard-coded signal clarity values1.6.4
1.14.0Fix fugue state bug1.6.2
1.11.1Initial commit1.5.2 R-1.0


All bugs and TODO information can be found on the issue tracker for this project on GitHub.


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