
If you're having issues getting QwickTree to work, try enabling the debugger by running /qt debug (you'll need the qwicktree.debug permission)

That will give an output similar to the following: QwickTree Debugger Demo

Want me to create a ticket?

If you have any issues not resolved by using the table (or it says to post a ticket), then you should gather the following:

  • Server software (Bukkit, Spigot, etc) and version;
  • Server logs, containing at least events from starting the server up until the plugin breaks;
  • A list of all plugins installed on the server and their versions
  • Screenshot of the debugger output
  • Detailed description on how to reproduce the error

Once that's all collected, you should then check to see if a similar issue has already been created. If it has, please attach the information to that ticket. If not, just create new one.

What does it mean?

Event Type Stage Meaning Resolution
QTL.blockEvent 1 Player failed QTL.canChop Check QTL.canChop for problem
QTL.blockEvent 2 Tree type doesn't exist in the config Post a ticket
QTL.blockEvent 3 Tree type is disabled in the config Make sure the tree is enabled in the config
QTL.blockEvent 4 Tree is not on a valid standing block (dirt or grass), or tree stump is not permitted on the tree  
QTL.blockEvent 5 Failed in the CA.* area Check CA.go
QTL.blockEvent 6 No issues Post a ticket if you're still having issues
QTL.canChop 1 Player is not holding a valid item Make sure the player has a valid item from the config
QTL.canChop 2 Player doesn't have permission Make sure the player has the qwicktree.use permission or usePerms is set to false in the config
QTL.canChop 3 QwickTree is disabled for the player Enable the plugin for the player using /qt enable [player]
QTL.canChop 4 No issues  
CA.go 1 Failed CA.check Check CA.check
CA.go 2 Item in player's hand doesn't have enough durability to chop down the tree Repair the item or check the config has a correct damage setting
CA.go 3 Failed CA.chop Check CA.chop
CA.go 4 Failed replanting the tree sapling Post a ticket
CA.go 5 No issues  
CA.check 1 Failed when searching for logs. The tree may be too big, or a house block may be in reach of the logs Make sure the config tree size is not set too small, and that no house blocks are near the tree (or bypass this using /qt bypass)
CA.check 2 Failed when searching for leaves Post a ticket
CA.check 3 Tree has any (or multiple) of: not enough logs; too many logs; not enough leaves Make sure config settings are correct for leaf and log counts
CA.check 4 No issues  
CA.chop 1 Failed breaking leaves Post a ticket
CA.chop 2 Failed breaking vines Post a ticket
CA.chop 3 Failed breaking logs Post a ticket
CA.chop 4 No issues