Console Commands Per Block! #3

  • Other
  • Accepted
Assigned to codisimus
  • _ForgeUser6979212 created this issue Jan 27, 2012

    I am trying to have right click on a book case (quiz block) execute a console command.
    But I A need a different command for each quiz block and I need to use the player who right clicked its name in the command as a variable, how would I do this?

  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 0.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 1.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 2.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 3.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 4.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 5.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 6.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added an attachment 7.PNG Jan 27, 2012


  • _ForgeUser6979212 added the tags New Other Jan 27, 2012
  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 27, 2012

    Sorry, I had to take a week of from my plugins, once I get home tonight I will make a video of how to do this since it seems like the easiest way to show you.

  • Codisimus removed a tag New Jan 27, 2012
  • Codisimus added a tag Accepted Jan 27, 2012
  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 27, 2012

    while making the video I found that this will work much better if I change a few things, so I will make the changes this weekend and then record the tutorial.

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Jan 29, 2012

    So when do you think the tutorial will be done?

  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 30, 2012

    i finished with the changes and will record the video in a couple hours and then will just have to wait till it uploads and such to Youtube. so idk, about 6 hours?

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Jan 30, 2012

    Can't Wait I will have to instal the plugin tomorrow as I have a ton to do tonight.

    Oh and if you have changed the plugin code post a download link here as the bukkit dev file is not applied yet!

    Thanks for your help!

    Edited Jan 30, 2012
  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Jan 31, 2012

    Video going up soon?

  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 31, 2012

    It is uploaded, I am just waiting for YouTube to approve it

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Jan 31, 2012

    Ok just post the link here when it is approved, thanks for your help!

  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 31, 2012

    ok, the video doesn't seem to want to be working... so if you have skype or something I can try to help you on there. If I don't hear from you by the time I finish my hw I will take some screenshots to try to show you wut to do.

  • Codisimus posted a comment Jan 31, 2012

    Ok first of all this is for QuizBlock 1.0.0 so make sure you have that version.

    It will generate a config which you can find in the QuizBlock folder and you should change the values to match the highlighted values in the first image.
    The top most highlighted one makes it so it is activated when a block is clicked (instead of being broken).
    The next group are the msgs which should just be blank.
    The last one is the command that will be run (only bother with this if a lot of the commands that you want this to run will be the same) I made the command give the player a book.

    The second picture shows the command for making the Quiz. I called it "ClickCmd" but you can call it anything.

    The third image shows the response the plugin sends after you make the Quiz.

    The fourth picture shows the command for linking the bookshelf. Make sure you are targeting the bookshelf that you want to link.

    The fifth image shows the response, make sure it say BOOKSHELF and not TORCH or something like that which may have been between you and the bookshelf.

    The sixth shows the command for setting what command will be run upon click. Use this if it will be different than what you set in the config. (This bookshelf is old so I want it to give you a web instead of a book.)

    Seventh is the response.

    Eighth shows what happens when I click the bookshelf (it gave me a web)

    I hope this helps. Remember that if you want to link many blocks at a time you can use my plugin Repeat so you can type "/r" every time instead of "/quiz link right ClickCmd" Let me know if you have any other questions.

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 1, 2012

    I will try to use the screenshots tonight, else we can go on skype or teamspeak :)


  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 1, 2012

    So can I link 2 commands to 1 block

  • Codisimus posted a comment Feb 1, 2012

    <<reply 521555>>

    yes, if you make two separate quizzes

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 1, 2012

    On one block, ok ultimately I need the following cast teach <player> Blink whisper <player> you learned the blink spell spawn <player>

    so just link the same block with 3 different quizzes

  • Codisimus posted a comment Feb 1, 2012

    @Baffu: Go

    that you can do all with one quiz... it would be much easier for me to just show you how to do it though... perhaps we hop on Skype sometime soon and either you come on my server or I'll go on yours. One question though, is the location of spawn going to be the same for every player? (or will it send them to there own bed?)

    Edited Feb 1, 2012
  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 2, 2012

    No spawn is spawn, not their bed. Its all tested so I just wound Create the quiz block then

    quiz cmd right (quiz name) cast teach <player> Blink then again quiz cmd right (quiz name) spawn <player> quiz cmd right (quiz name) whisper You have learned the Blink Spell

    I haven't beed playing MC lately due to lots of work but that is what I would do correct? I will be adding the quizblock this weekend

    what time zone are you in I am in EST (its 5:50PM now) perhaps you could come on my server at some point or skype...

  • Codisimus posted a comment Feb 2, 2012

    @Baffu: Go

    we are on the same time zone. But this is basically what you do.

    1. Go to the spawn location
    2. Use the QuizBlock make command (It captures your current location so it can teleport Player's there.
    3. Set the Quiz wrong command to "cast teach <player> Blink"
    4. Set the Quiz wrong message to "You learned the blink spell" or "&2You learned the blink spell" if you want to add a color (replace '2' with the color you want)
    5. Link the Blocks as wrong blocks instead of right blocks. That way when users click it they will also be teleported to the spawn.

      So that does the same thing with 1 Quiz instead of 3.
  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 3, 2012

    With essentials spawn player will tp them to the set spawn

    I do not get why I must link it as a wrong answer?? Cant I just to the right click command and bind all 3 things?!

  • Codisimus posted a comment Feb 3, 2012

    You can do it the way you said, I just thought it would be easier this other way

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 4, 2012

    Ok so the config confuses me I dont want every block to exact the command there I need one block that "teach <player> blink" The one next to it would say "teach <player> fireball

    Do I need to do something in the config?

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 4, 2012

    I did the following:

    Made a quiz named test
    linked it to a gold block

    used "quiz cmd right test spawn <player>"

    set the config to this:

    #Config file for QuizBlock
    #Plugin made by Codisimus
    #The amount of time (in seconds) the (Door)Blocks will stay open
    #If set to false then Players will simply click the Blocks instead of Breaking them
    #If set to true, QuizBlock will overlook Permissions 
    #Only OPs will be able to make Quizes
    #Everyone will be able to use Quizes
    #These are the messages that Players will see while using QuizBlock
    #Type \! instead of ! in order to use an exclamation point (ex. hi\!)
    #Use & to specify colors for messages (ex. &3hi&a.)
    #These are commands that will be activated when the messages are sent
    #No command will be dispatched if the field is blank
    #Ex. DefaultRightCommand=give <player> 357 1
    DefaultRightCommand=say Fail

    It dont work!

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 4, 2012

    Same result with break to activate false

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 4, 2012

    Got it to say correct block door opened but it wouldn't run the spawn player or give me 1 stone

    if you can respond in under 30 mins we can hop on Team Speak

  • _ForgeUser6979212 posted a comment Feb 7, 2012

    Ok i got it to give me an item and excute the say command, now I want it to cast teach <player> fireball and whisper <player> You learned the fireball spell, but it just lets me add 1.

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