Request for a WorldGuard Flag #97

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to netherfoam
  • _ForgeUser10335331 created this issue May 21, 2013

    Your plugin is almost perfect and I love the simplicity of the shop usage. Only thing I miss is WorldGuard integration just like ChestShop offers per config-settings:

    #Do you want to only let people build inside regions?
    #Do you want to only let poeple build inside region flagged by doing /region regionName flag chestshop allow?
    #Do you want ChestShop to respect WorldGuard's chest protection?

    As we do not want people to build their shops anywhere in the world this is the only missed feature which keeps us from using your plugin on our server.

    Would you mind adding something similar to QuickShop?

  • _ForgeUser10335331 added the tags New Enhancment May 21, 2013

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