QuickShop 1.6
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UploadedAug 25, 2012
Size109.72 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.1-R2.0
This version is for >1.3.1
- Fixed a bug where shops weren't removed on break
- Fixed a bug where shops signs did not change after using /qs buy | sell
- Fixed a bug where shops weren't giving money if they were unlimited BUY shops
- Added Debug command
- Limit which signs we try to change/update
- More verbose debugging
- Changed chunk system. Should be a HUGE increase in efficiency.
- Fixed a serious dupe and deleting of items with buying/selling.
1.3 (Unreleased)
- Sped up chunk loading by half (Still is very slow)
- Null checks
- Missing rare nullcheck on chat (ASync :S)
- Added /qs clean command (Deletes shops with 0 stock)
- Bunch of API Changes
- Fixed NPE if a player destroys a shop without interacting with it (@Sneak-only)
- Multiple minor optimisations
- LWC Support (Can't create a shop on locked chests)
- Fix a potential item dupe
- Deleted duplicate listener
- Teleport items back if they're too far instead of moving them back
- Fixed item dupe where the item would fall under the chest
1.1 Changes:
- Cleaned up unused code
- Fixed leaves (Possibly others too) showing up as slabs
- Much improved signs, especially when shops are placed closely in a tight space!
1.0b Changes:
- Compiled in JRE 6 (I think)
1.0 Changes:
- Wooo! 1.0!
- Added /shop alias for /qs
- Added Residence support - thanks @T00thPick1
0.9 Changes:
- Display number of shops loaded on load
- Merged buy/sell creation actions
- Added getRemainingSpace(), matches(), buy(), sell() methods
- Added support for buy shops
- Tidied up listener code
- Delete display items on chunk unload
- Added shop bypass permission for snooping staff if chests are locked
- Added /qs buy and /qs sell to change the type of shop you're looking at from Buy <-> Sell
- Reordered permissions Important - You will have to redo the permissions.
- Changed permission nodes Moved a bunch of permissions around, check the project page for the new ones!
- Added permissions list to plugin.yml
0.8 Changes
- Validate enchantments before applying them when loading the shops
- Added SetOwner command (quickshop.setowner permission node)
- Added SetOwner method (API)
- Fixed ChatListener to be thread safe (Is now Sync instead of ASync)
- Removed Always-Chat config option (Can't use this any more)
- Fixed NPE if shop owner was offline (Maybe?)
0.7 Changes:
- Compiled against latest Minecraft Bukkit 1.3 builds
- Check the world is the same before comparing distance
- Removed debugging "WG Blocked"
- Fixed crash if you /qs unlimited'ed while not looking at a chest
- Made locked chests unbreakable
- Updated to Async chat handler, REQUIRES BUKKIT 2284 +
- Stop creative players from destroying shops if they don't own the shop
0.6 Changes:
- Fixed locked chests
- Optionally disable paying unlimited shop owners
- Signs are now automatically placed near a shop
- Clicking a sign instead of a shop shows the menu anyway
- Option to disable autosign
0.5 Changes:
- Added /quickshop unlimited command
- Added quickshop.unlimited permission node
- Added unlimited shop
- Added sneak-only to create a shop option
- Added item blacklist
- Added bypass permissions for blacklist (quickshop.bypass.ITEM_ID)
- Remove a players shopping cart if they quit
- Automatically update config file *Note, remotes comments
- Remove display item if we find an invalid shop
0.4 Changes:
- Still process the event if cancelled (@Hogging AntiSpam/mute plugins)
- Stop ItemWatcher and BufferWatcher tasks (reload friendly) on disable
- Moved database variables around to make sense
- Added warnings system ('QuickShop doesn't lock your chests for you' if set in the config)
- Friendlier names
- Changed 'X just purchased' message
- Added total value of chest when clicked on
- Added option to send message to chat if it's not a number
- Don't cancel events if we didn't use it
- Make sure the shops still there when confirming number to purchase/price
- Save new config options
- Fixed item dupe: Forgot to delete items from world if the shop was found to be invalid (E.g. removed by WorldEdit) thanks @Spearhartt
0.3 Changes:
- Moved lock-shops to shops.lock in config
- Attempt to hook into PreciousStones, Lockette, WorldGuard, Towny and GriefPrevention
- Added options to disable hooking into plugins (above)
- Readded delete shops on reboot
- Fixed NPE when deleting items
0.2 Fixed:
- Forgot to check world is loaded when using display items.
0.1 Fixed:
- Initial (Official) release.
1.3.1 ONLY!