QuickHome was designed to help newbie builders and help your server look much better! QuickHome is compatible with .schematic file which can be easily obtained from worldedit. Homes are created slowly, in a very neat manner insuring your server will NOT drop in TPS!
- Quick/Easy installation
- Schematic file support
- Unlimited amounts of homes
- Lightweight
- Cool shop to buy the home schemes
How it works
The plugin requires that you use it's [Shop] signs in order to buy the house blocks. The house blocks are basically a workbench that you place down in any location. After placing the block, the home will start to generate! When the generation is done, the player will be notified.
Currently, only one: /qh reload
Is this using WorldEdit to paste the homes in? Is it going to be made so it cant bypass worldguard like worldedit does?
Looks amazing love th idea