

The long-awaited language file has arrived! READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE TRANSLATING

You may now completely translate Quests into your preferred language.

How to start

To begin, delete any 'lang' folder that was previously created inside the Quests folder. run the latest version of Quests and it will generate a file called 'en.yml' in the folder Quests/lang/
Once the file has generated, edit it with your favorite text editor. Change the things on the right, not the left.

Example: questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name (or 'cancel' to return)"
You can change the "Enter Quest name (or 'cancel' to return)" but do NOT modify the questEditorEnterQuestName:. You must follow these general guidelines or you may break the translation file:

Translation Guidelines

  • Keep the double quotation marks on the ends of each translation
  • Do not use double quotation marks in any of your translations or you will likely break them. You can use single quotes however.
  • Do not change anything in < >'s. This is special data that later gets replaced by something else when the translation is accessed. You are welcome to move it around, but do not modify it in any way. Example: "<player> has forcibly started the Quest <quest>." You could modify this to something like: "The Quest <quest> has been given to player <player>" but do not remove/change the things in the < >'s. Regular brackets and parentheses are okay though [ ] ( ), those are just for show.
  • All of the Quests command translations are prefixed with COMMAND_ and are in all caps. You can change the specific Quests commands like list, take and quit, but you cannot change the /quests, /quest and /questadmin commands to anything else. Make sure to change the help displays for each of them if you change them.
  • If you change the 'cmdCancel', 'cmdClear' etc. translations, make sure to change the translations that have things like "or enter 'cancel' to return" to match your new cancel command.
  • Things that are lowercase are meant to be that way for formatting purposes. You can change it to uppercase if you want but it won't look pretty afterwards.

Formatting tokens

As an added bonus, you may put any of the following formatting tokens into your translations:

  • %br% - Line break
  • %tab% - Tab character
  • %rtr% - Return carriage character
  • %bold% - Bold chat color
  • %italic% - Italic chat color
  • %underline% - Underline chat color
  • %strikethrough% - Strikethrough chat color
  • %magic% - Magic (end text) chat color
  • %reset% - Reset formatting
  • %white% - White chat color
  • %black% - Black chat color
  • %aqua% - Aqua chat color
  • %darkaqua% - Dark aqua chat color
  • %blue% - Blue chat color
  • %darkblue% - Dark blue chat color
  • %gold% - Gold chat color
  • %gray% - Gray chat color
  • %darkgray% - Dark gray chat color
  • %pink% - Pink (light purple) chat color
  • %purple% - Purple (dark purple) chat color
  • %green% - Green chat color
  • %darkgreen% - Dark green chat color
  • %red% - Red chat color
  • %darkred% - Dark red chat color
  • %yellow% - Yellow chat color

    Original: questEditorSaved: "Quest saved! (You will need to perform a Quest reload for it to appear)"
    Modified: questEditorSaved: "%bold%%green%Quest saved! %reset%%yellow%(You will need to perform a %pink%Quest reload %yellow%for it to appear)"

    If you are unsure about your YAML formatting, paste your language file here for error-checking:

Multiple translation files

If you want more than one translation file, duplicate the en.yml and call it something else like fr.yml. Then in your Quests config.yml, change the following value:
language: "en"
to the name of your new file minus the .yml. In the example of fr.yml, it would be this:
language: "fr"

Please note that there are over 800 phrases and you may want to have more than one person translating your file. If you completely translate the file to another language, please PM me and I can include your translation (and give you credit)

You will not receive any support if you did not follow the proper guidelines above when translating