
Page is updated to match version 0.6.2.

This page describes what each quest condition does and how to use it.

Adding condition

General command to add condition is /q condition add <condition type> <additional arguments>, where additional arguments differ with each condition type and are described below on this page.

Condition description

OPs and players with permission quester.admin ignore all conditions, but it is possible to check if the conditions are met in "/q show", where met conditions appear green.
Each condition has it's own default verbal description shown in /q show. It is shown only when custom description is empty. This can be easily changed by /q condition desc add <ID> <description>, just replace <ID> with ID of condition you want to modify. In that case custom description is added to current custom description. Custom description can contain variables, which will be replaced with appropriate values in info. To remove it, type /q condition desc remove <ID>, where <ID> is ID of condition you want to remove custom description from.

Description variables

  • %amt = required amount
  • %id = ID of required item
  • %data = data value of required item
  • %perm = required permission
  • %quest = quest name in condition

Condition types


Command: /q condition add quest [t:<time_seconds>] <quest_name>
Player must have completed specified quest in last X seconds to be able to start a quest containing this condition. Time is optional and defaults to 0 - no time restriction.

type: QUEST
# quest is MANDATORY
quest: 'QuestName'
# time (in seconds) is optional - default is 0
time: 86400

Quest not

Command: /q condition add questnot [t:<sime_seconds>] <quest_name>
Player must not have completed specified quest in last X seconds to be able to start one containing this condition. Add questnot condition with same quest name as the one that contains it has, to allow only one completion.
Example: If quest 'TestQuest' contains QuestNot condition 'TestQuest', it can be completed only once. Names are case insensitive, but are displayed exactly the same as you enter them. Time is optional and defaults to 0 - no time restriction.

# quest is MANDATORY
quest: 'QuestName'
# time (in seconds) is optional - default is 0
time: 86400


Command: /q condition add perm <permission>
Player must have specified permission to be able to start a quest.

type: PERM
# permission is MANDATORY
permission: 'permission.node'


Command: /q condition add item <item_id/name>[:data] <amount>
Player must have specified items to be able to start a quest. Items are not taken.

type: ITEM
# item and amount are MANDATORY, see {item} on special argumments page
item: '{item}' 
amount: 1


Command: /q condition add money <amount>
Player must have specified amount of money to be able to start a quest. Money are not taken.

type: MONEY
# amount is MANDATORY
amount: 1000


Command: /q condition add point <amount>
Player must have specified amount of quest points to be able to start a quest. Points are not taken.

type: POINT
# amount is MANDATORY
amount: 50

Removing condition

To remove condition, type /q condition remove <ID>, where <ID> is ID of condition you want to remove.