QualityArmory v1.1.15


  • Filename
    QualityArmory v1.1.15.jar
  • Uploaded by
  • Uploaded
    Oct 15, 2017
  • Size
    158.17 KB
  • Downloads
  • MD5

Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8.1


Fixed rightclick ammo error:
Added matertial variable to new items: Now you can modify the material for each gun.
Added failsafes in case a custom gun cannot be loaded.
Added material id systems to support guns with different materials.
A lot of code cleanup.

Fixed aiming
Added the ability to create custom gun!
Added example of custom gun.
Fixed aiming util.

Added semi- 1.8 and 1.9 support.
Fixed particles for older updates.
Fixed offhand item removal.
Added weapon UUIDs. This should remove the remainder or item duplication bugs.

Ironsights will now be always enabled.
IronSights have been changed to onShift by default. To use the old rightclick system, change the IronSightsOnRightCLick value in the config,
Fixed duplication glitch, hopefully for the last time. (Minecraft, it really would be useful if you always send packets!)
Added ability to disable particles for bullets

Fixed issue with duplicating items when single-placed.
Fixed issue with ammotypes breaking the plugin.

-Massive Update
Added ironsights to most guns. By default, you can right click any semi-automatic weapon to view ironsights. This can be disabled in the config.
Added custom material type support.
Fixed problems where guns could be duplicated though dropping, shiftclicking, right clicking, dragging, dieing, swapping items, or off-hand-toggling when reloading.
Fixed issue with duplicating ammo. Some ammo, however, may disappear if you trry to merge two large stacks. This does not have anything to do with the plugin, but the way bukkit/spigot handles 'merging' tools.
Fixed textures and models for the Enfield, Henry Rifle, and MouserC96.
Recreated the M40 rifle. With the addition of ironsights, the model of the scope needed to change, as the old model only had a flat texture for the lense.
Removed the ability to swap guns to the offhand (due to duplication glitches posted above).
Changed the reload key to Q [Drop] if ironsights are enabled.
Automatic fire has been added for weapons that do not have iron sights. Must have iron sights enabled to enable this feature. Currently, this is just the MP5K and the AK47.
Added sounds to bullet fire. Now you should be able to hear where the bullet went instead of having to look at the particle trail.
Added checks so you can't shoot the entity you are riding.
*Added semi-support for NewItems. In the resoucepack, have added a gold_hoe_EXAMPLE.jspon file. This will add all the textures to the golden hoe, so you can merge the two resoucepacks without conflicts.
Implemented a system to disable reloading if a user dies.
Implemented system to 'break' reloading guns if they are glitched. Even if a new update will change something so guns can be duplicated, the guns should no longer work.
Fixed gun lists for commands. They now support guns with spaces in their names.
Reduced gun class sizes.
*Added framework for new gun additions. New gun or more gun customization to come in the next update.

Added Henry Rifle
Added Mouser-C96
Added Enfield-1853
Fixed shotgun reloading

Actually Fixed issue with WG.
Fixed issue with resoucepacks
Added crafting sounds
Fixed ammo crafting glitch
Added fix for sounds: The console wont print out an error if you're on 1.8 or lower

Made mistake with WG. Fixed in this update.

Added worldguard support

Added warnings if users are on 1.7 or 1.8.
Disables textures if the users are on 1.7 or 1.8
Added sending resoucepack on item given to users. Only sends resoucepack to users onJoin if they have a gun in their inventory. Reduces the amount of users who may recieve an annoying message on joining (expecially if they don't even have access to those guns.)
Custom resoucepack support.

Added crafting
Added /qa craft
Fixed unlimitedAmmo system.
Added pickup glitch
Added ability to combine ammo

Quick fix to remove resoucepack message on join.
Added help message if the user sent an invalid command.

Added Ammo
Fixed bullet path detection
Fixed headshot detection
Fixed texturepack, removed damage bar from items
Added QualityArmory class so other plugins can access ItemStacks
Added ability to toggle whether leaves, doors, water, or halfslabs block bullets
Added slab detection. No longer will half slabs block bullets if the bullet is above the bounding box.
[OPTIONAL]Added gun degradation.
Added customizable durability for specific guns
[OPTIONAL]Added ability to toggle if guns have unlimited ammo
Added ability to log the shooter when entity is damaged

Added RPG
Added M40
Added Rockets
Fixed Texture link
Fixed resoucepack to accept users that are already online, remove players when they quit, and send the request two seconds ever joining the server

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