Cool Downs #34

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser10620973
  • _ForgeUser10620973 created this issue Dec 15, 2013

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    A suggestion was made to incorporate cool down features in PwnFilter.  Currently, there is BoosCooldowns, which is great, but it doesn't apply to things that only PwnFilter does.  Eg: If you set up a rule that executes a server command, like "then console say Hi there!", boosCoolDowns can't intercept it.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    Not sure if/how this will get implemented at this time.  If there is lots of interest, it will move up the list.


  • _ForgeUser10620973 added the tags Accepted Enhancment Dec 15, 2013
  • SirWill posted a comment Dec 23, 2013

    This is really important option for me. Please move it up, I really need this to have no spamm messages in the chat. :3

  • _ForgeUser6882992 posted a comment Feb 12, 2014

    I don't even know what this means.

  • SirWill posted a comment Apr 26, 2014

    @EpicATrain: Go

    You can set a cooldown for a rule. For example: cooldown for the rule is on 60 seconds. The rule get triggered and runs, after 5 seconds the rule get triggered again but it will not run the settings as the 60 seconds are not over.

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