Allows players to decide whether or not they want PvP to be enabled or disabled, and stops PvP attacks when either the attacker or defender has PvP disabled. Also allows admins to toggle global or world-specific PvP, or the PvP status of a specific player, in a specific world. Muti-world compatible, Permissions compatible.
Latest version: v3.0.0
- Pretty much stated above, but hey, here they are anyway:
- Individual, player-specific enabling or disabling of PvP
- Global PvP control
- World-specific PvP control
- Automatically enable PvP in combat
- Permissions support - only allow certain groups or players access to specific functions
- Multiworld support - configure which world you want the plugin to be active in
- Cooldown timer - set time since last conflict in seconds before users can disable PvP again
- Blocks projectile PvP damage (including damage from Arrows, Snowballs and Fireballs!)
- Block thrown poisonous potion damage
- Warmup timer - set time since enabling PvP in seconds before users can PvP
- Pick between three different commands
- Set your own custom messages on PvP and command events
- WorldGuard PVP flag integration!
To install this plugin, all you have to do is place it in your Bukkit plugins folder, and run the server (or reload it) once. This automatically generates a configuration file. That's it! The plugin is now installed.
To read more information about how to set up the configuration, see the Configuration page.
Or, to see what permissions you need to give your users for them to be able to use certain commands, see the Permissions page.
PvPToggle now has the functionality to allow you to set the command which it should use! This is settable in the configuration file, and by default, will be set to "/pvp". All command functionality of PvPToggle is accessed via one command.
Basic command overview:
Command | Description |
/pvp | Toggle own PvP status |
/pvp [status| on| off] | Set or check own PvP status |
/pvp [status| on| off] <player> [world] | Set, reset or check another players' PvP status. Add [world] argument to work in specific world |
/pvp w:<world> [status| on| off| reset] | Check, set or reset world-wide PvP status of specified world |
/pvp global [status| on| off| reset] | Deals with server-wide plugin operations - used to enable, disable, reset or check status of server-wide global PvP |
/pvp region [add| remove] <region> <world> | Adds or removes a WorldGuard region from PvPToggle's usage |
For more detailed information on usage of each command, see the commands page!
For more detailed information on region management and WorldGuard integration, see the WorldGuard Integration page!
- Blocking
potion andfire damage - Time-based PvP restrictions
- Announcements
For support, bugs and feature requests, DON'T COMMENT, please start a ticket instead!
Just a quick question. Has anyone tried the plugin on build 1818? I like the concept of the plugin and want to give it a shot. I see its not officially supported so I thought i'd ask if anyone has tried.
Yes - give that group the pvptoggle.pvp.deny permission node, and they will not be able to PvP
With this plugin will I be able to just disable pvp for a certain player (I want a hero class that doesn't pvp period no options for him to turn it on) is that possible?
Nice thx for the update :) Perms are working perfectly now
@lawliet555 Same issue here with my server. Players cannot toggle pvp with the pvptoggle.command.toggle node. bPermissions 1.9.2 or 2.7.7 - doesn't matter.
You can give the pvptoggle node which allows players to use the /pvp on|off command again... but that allows a dangerous amount of control.
Ya, he is right, the updates are not working, also thx lawliet, i needed this plugin, if i dont read ur comment i dont find a way for active it =)
i have PEX...
I suggest a command for turn the PVP ON for every1, cuz i have to enable it player per players...i want em to pay for be safe.
economy support plz, at that way ppl have to pay a lot of money for change their pvp status so they have to think 2 times b4 change the status =P
In your latest 2 update's I am having issues with players being able to toggle their pvp but it is working in v 0.5.0
i am using PEX
You can already toggle the status of a whole world by doing /pvp on|off * <world>
I'm with lawliet and if it's too difficult to set region based pvp toggling, can there at least be a way to toggle more than one person at a time. By world would be suitable for our purposes.
As it says directly above the comment box, if you are experiencing issues, you need to submit a support ticket instead of commenting - that's the whole point of BukkitDev replacing the old forms.
I have created a ticket from your comment, and all followups regarding this issue will be discussed there.
Thanks for your cooperation, Sleelin.
Edit: your ticket can be found here
@xtyro Yep, I have the same issue. I can only get the plugin to work if I give my players the root permission node. I'm using b permissions 2.
permissions don't work properly with bukkit permissions. only pvptoggle root permissions node works. as an admin I can check and change pvp status of a player only if we both have root permission node, I can't do it if a player don't have root permission node. as a player I can change my status only if I have root node.
It would definitely be really nice to be able to do this, however the potions API in Bukkit is still quite incomplete, meaning so far I haven't had any luck finding out how I can stop thrown poison potions - I'll keep looking, and hopefully Bukkit will have a more complete API for potions soon!
Version 0.5.0 works just fine with MC 1.0, hence no point uploading the same thing.
It certainly is possible, and I'll look into it
Would it be possible to have this plugin link into worldguard and have regions that are pvp enforced?
Please make an Update for MC 1.0
If you're going to be updating this soon it would be nice to prevent poisoning people with poison potions.
Great plugin and seems to work as advertised however, there is just 1 key feature i cant figure out.
Currently we have multiworlds, but when users use /pvp on, it is only for the world they are in, meaning they can hide in another world, where their pvp status is not set to on.
Is it me who is missing something, or does pvp status not carry over to the new world.
1.0 compact?