Version 1.9.0
NOTE: This plugin requires you have Vault enabled on your server
This plugin adds to PvP, in addition to any items that may be dropped, players also steal money from the players they kill. The amount stolen is configurable.
Money can also be taken from a Player when they die.
- Supports all major Economies and Permission Plugins thanks to Vault
- You can change what command this plugin uses by editing the plugin.yml (found inside the plugin jar file)
- MultiWorld support (Disable rewards and/or death tolls in specific Worlds)
- Configurable properties
- Custom messages
- KDR Leaderboard
- Several methods of determining amount of money lost/stolen (percent, flat rate, etc...)
- Add Players to a specific Permission Group if they kill too many other Players
- Option of having tombstones to hold items instead of players dropping items (Beta feature)
- Configurable combat time
- Optional penalties for logging or teleporting while in combat
- Broadcast when a Player Combat Logs
Permission Nodes:
- pvpreward.getreward = Needed to steal money from another Player
- pvpreward.givereward = Needed to have money stolen from you
- pvpreward.ignoredeathtoll = Do not pay Death Toll when you die
- pvpreward.reset = Needed to reset any Player's Kills/Deaths/Karma
User Commands:
() indicates a required field.
If Player is not specified, then the command sender is used
- /pvp outlaws - Lists current Outlaws
- /pvp karma (Player) - Lists the Karma level of the specified Player
- /pvp kdr (Player) - Lists the Kill/Death ratio of the specified Player
- /pvp rank (Player) - Lists the KDR rank of the specified Player
- /pvp top (Amount) - Lists the top ranked KDRs
Admin Commands:
[] indicates a required field.
- /pvp reset - Lists the Admin reset commands
- /pvp reset kdr - Sets your kills and deaths to 0
- /pvp reset kdr [Player] - Sets the specified Player's kills and deaths to 0
- /pvp reset kdr all- Sets everyone's kills and deaths to 0
- /pvp reset karma - Sets your Karma Level to 0
- /pvp reset karma [Player] - Sets the specified Player's Karma Level to 0
- /pvp reset karma all- Sets everyone's Karma Level to 0
Karma Description:
Most of these setting are configurable
Picture + Written Description by riuthamus
Bob and Jacob have done nothing, all stats are base:
Scene02: Bob attacks and kills Jacbob, this will do the following things:
- Bob will gain 2 karma points
- Jacob will lose 1 karma point ( if he is at 0, it will stay at 0 )
- Bob's chance for drop of gold will be increased by a 2% modifier if his karma is less than 50
- If the chance for drop of coins from Jacob ( the killed ) is a success, a random value ( default range of 0%-5% ) will be taken from Jacob's bank account
Scene03: Bob has been bad, and has killed lots of people and now has 48 karma. He kills Jacob again, the following things occur.
- Bob will gain 2 karma points putting him over the 50 karma making him an outlaw
- Jacob will lose 1 karma point ( cannot go below 0 )
- Bob's chance for drop of gold will be increased to 100% since he is considered an ( outlaw ) and still gains +2 karma
- If the chance for drop of coins from Jacob ( the killed ) is a success, a random value (default range of 0%-5% ) will be taken from Jacob's bank account
Scene04: Jacob kills bob after bob has 52 karma, the following occurs:
- Bob will lose 1 point of karma taking him down to 51
- Bob is still an outlaw so he has 100% chance of drop of gold/coins
- Jacob WILL NOT earn karma points because he killed an outlaw
If the modifier is set to 20, whenever an outlaw kills a non-outlaw, he gets 20% more coin on top of the rewards he already would have gotten (if he successfully gets the drops in the first place). Likewise, if the modifier was set to 150, he'd get 150% more coin.
Now, more in-depth and complex mode: The modifier increases after certain karma thresholds. For example: You have set your options in the config file as follow: karmaThreshold: 10, outlawModifier: 2, modifierMax: 50
With this, every 10 karma after 50 (60, 70, 80, etc.) will grant the outlaw a 2% bonus to all drops stolen. After it reaches 50% extra drops stolen, it stops increasing (as based on the modifierMax variable). It seems complex, and it's probably not for everyone, but it'd be cool in my opinion.
(All of that is amount of coin stolen, not the rate at which they drop them, to make it clear!)
Setup (Config settings):
RewardType may be any of the following:
- Karma
- FlatRate
- Range
- Percent
- PercentRange
- PercentKDR
All other settings depend on what the reward type is set to.
This type has the most features, It is explained at the bottom of this page, the settings are as follows:
- Percent - The base percentage for calculating whether there will be a drop
- Amount - The amount of Karma needed to be considered an Outlaw
- High - The maximum percentage that could be taken from a killed players account
- Low - The minimum percentage that could be taken from a killed players account
- OutlawModifier - Outlaws steal an additional x%
- KarmaThreshold - Increase OutlawModifier every x kills
- ModifierMax - OutlawModifier will not go beyond x
The Killer will always steal a specific amount from the killed, the settings are as follows:
- Amount - The amount of money that will be stolen upon each murder
- All other settings don't matter
The Killer will steal an amount of money within a given range, the settings are as follows:
- High - The maximum amount that could be taken from a killed players account
- Low - The minimum amount that could be taken from a killed players account
- All other settings don't matter
The Killer will steal a certain percent of the killed players total balance, the settings are as follows:
- Percent - The percent of money that will be taken from a killed player account
- All other settings don't matter
The Killer will steal a percent of money within a given range, the settings are as follows:
- High - The maximum percent that could be taken from a killed players account
- Low - The minimum percent that could be taken from a killed players account
- All other settings don't matter
The Killer will steal an percent of money based on the two players KDRs. You receive a higher percent from players with a higher KDR (formula is killedKDR/killerKDR). This percent is taken from the killed players total balance. No settings are used.
Coming soon!
no errors showing in the log? does the /pvp command bring up the help menu? any messages being sent?
lol i am sorry
feathers is my in game currency lol. (my server is called parrots paradise)
I mean I cannot get the players to drop an amount of currency (money) when they die or exchange it to the player that killed him
I might be able to add that but how quite a bit of other stuff to do first.
I should be able to add that to the next update.
This plugin does not give items when Players are killed. For that you can use my Plugin PhatLoots to have Players also drop 10 feathers when they die. Let me know if you need help setting that up.
can someone tell me how to set up my config to allow players to gain 10 feathers from a player they kill ? just a flat rate of 10
i've tried to do it myself but it is not working =(
RewardType: Flatrate
is my config and nothing
I would like to make it so people only have their kdr changed if they have a certain permission node, can this be added?
Or maybe a permission node to keep them from having their kdr changed
Because I have a pvp world and then my survival world, and I'd only like to count it from the pvp world.
The 1.3.2. version does work for 1.4.2. too, but i'm locking forward in a update. It would be great if you can add a flat number of reward + the karma reward. For example Bob kills Joe. Bob gets 10$ + 1$ (because Joe is a noob). Now Bob feel better for killing an enemy. And with good Enemys its working too. For example Bob kills Godlikekillar343. He gets 10$ + 60$.
This System is very usefull when you run a groupbased pvp where it SHOULD be a little rewarding killing an enemy no matter how great the enemy was. I really need this feature for my server! Can you do it?
I have the same problem, and I do have vault.
Does this work for 1.4.2 yet
The plugin disables itself if you don't have Vault. does PvPReward show up in the plugin list (/pl)?
I don't know if I will change my command from '/pvp' but you can if you like. There is a video posted above on how to do so.
Nothing I try will allow this plugin to work correctly.. There are no errors how ever the plugin seems to be completely unresponsive to any thing that happens in game. It does not track KDR nor give out money. How ever it says it loads in the server and commands work fine.. What am I doing wrong? I have experimented with and without any permissions and even with and without OP still no luck :l
TYVM for understanding.
Edit: While I'm thinking about it, I'd like to make you aware of a possible conflict with Battle Tracker. I use it primarily for the battle messages, but both mods use the /pvp command and I think it may be causing some.... wonkiness in your plugin :P Specifically I'm not convinced the kdr stats are being recorded/displayed properly in PvPRewards. It's not the end of the world or anything, but possibly something to look at when you have time. I've left a comment on both plugins.
That's enough to convince me. I will add the feature and just put a simple warning about it in the config. I can add it this weekend.
I would appreciate if you let server owners make the decision of whether this is beneficial to them or not. On my server there isn't a currency so much as there are pvp points. I absolutely need players to be able to gain points (money) upon a player's death and not have the dying player lose them. I also would like the ability to do the opposite. When you look at it from that perspective it makes perfect sense.
If the goal of a game is to reach X points, and killing gives you points then it's fine. It's not a currency used to buy things. Please implement this feature.
Yeah I have absolutley no clue how to do that, can someone please explain?
that would be great! im using the plugin for a kit server where kits cost money and u get money for killing, the idea is that i want people to gain money without losing it from dying so that money is generated instead of passed around from player to player
This is not possible bc people could easily farm the system for free money. I need to add an anti spam feature to limit the amount of money a player can get. then I will add the feature you want
Thanks for replying, is there any way to make it so killed players dont lose money but killers still gain it? when i take away the givereward permission nobody gets anything and nobody loses anything, could a feature that lets us do that be added in an update if there isnt one already that i havent seen?
The toll only refers to money that players lose when dying. They will still lose money when killed by another player unless they don't have the pvpreward.givereward permission node
wut exactly isn't working with the combat timer?
you have to give them the permissions nodes: pvpreward.getreward and pvpreward.givereward listed above
Only OP's on my server receive money from killing other OP's. When OP's kill a regular player, they don't get money, vice versa. When a reg player kills a reg player it's the same deal. Please help!