PVP Stats v0.8.14


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 24, 2015
  • Size
    55.07 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2
  • CB 1.7.9-R0.1
  • CB 1.7.2-R0.3


v0.8.14 - Add static methods to reset the internal PVPData HashMaps
v0.8.13 - fix github misalignment
v0.8.11 - allow ternary operator and comparisms for the KD calculation
v0.8.9 - sorry - fixing the logic, this time for real
v0.8.8 - fix wrong sorting - thanks, rexbut!
v0.8.7 - fix a little messup

  • add "countregulardeaths" - count all deaths, not only PVP ones!
  • add "resetkillstreakonquit" - reset killstreaks on server leave!
    v0.8.5 - 2 fixes by frankfallon0 - thank you, man :)
  • Fix "Plugin attempted to register task while disabled"
  • Only call the tracker task if it is actually enabled in the config
    v0.8.4 - Maven + Reformat + Optimizing
    v0.8.2 - add ELO rating
    v0.8.1 - remove debug spam ... sorry!
    v0.8 - use UUIDs instead of player names
    v0.7.1 - fix SQL warning about the top command
    v0.7.0 - add "abuseseconds" to allow abuse nerfing
    v0.6.9 - maybe fix /ps top not displaying the top K/D
    v0.6.8 - add worlds ignoring PVP
    v0.6.7 - allow disabling of the startup cleanup
    v0.6.6 - allow to specify how the KD ratio is being calculated
    v0.6.5 - only show help to those that may use it
    v0.6.4 - allow to disable precise stats
    v0.6.3 - add Tracker
    v0.6.2 - add /pvpstats cleanup - removes duplicate entries
    v0.6.1 - rewrite the backend to support more precise stats
    v0.4.2 - add permission 'pvpstats.top' (defaulting to true!)
    v0.4.1 - make the reload command reload the language
    v0.4.0 - add Language support
    v0.3.0.1 - add /command wipe {player}
    v0.3.0.0 - PVPData class for easy stats access
    v0.2.0.2 - fixing small NPE
    v0.2.0 - killstreaks, command system rewrite
    v0.1.3.2 - add configurable SQL table name
    v0.1.3.1 - code improvement
    v0.1.3.0 - remove some unnecessary code
    v0.1.2.5 - customize the port
    v0.1.2.4 - maybe fix a MYSQL connection issue
    v0.1.2.3 - user PlayerDeathEvent instead of EntityDeathEvent
    v0.1.2.2 - change max output lines to 20
    v0.1.2 - add /pvpstats *name* to check a player's stats
    v0.1.1.3 - add config for the kill abuse check
    v0.1.1 - PVP Arena support
    v0.1.0 - SQL handler change
    v0.0.5.1 - fixed wrong display if more entries than selected
    v0.0.5 - /pvpstats {amount} shows the top x players, default: 10 ; added
    v0.0.4 - rewrite, abuse protect "not more than once in a row"
    v0.0.3 - Listener update to non-deprecated version
    v0.0.2 - Update Manager, Permission nodes
    v0.0.1 - functionality