Punishment provides server staff with basic commands to moderate and keep the server in order. From warning to banning, Punishment has a range of helpful features to deal with players depending on the offence they make.
Bukkit - view plugin on bukkit.org
Spigot - view plugin on spigot.org
Sponge - view plugin on spongepowered.org (coming soon)
Punishment Discord Server - need quick support or have a suggestion? Come pop by!
Punishment Source Code - fork, pull, clone, everything you need is here!
Punishment Plugin Metrics - all those snazzy statistics!
- Warning - Warn a player with a custom message. Warning a player will send them the custom message as a formal warning.
- Muting - Mute a player with a custom duration. Muting a player prevents them from sending chat messages. The player will remain muted upon disconnecting and re-connecting to the server.
- Freezing - Freeze a player with a custom duration. Freezing a player prevents them from moving, breaking blocks, placing blocks, interacting with the world, and running chat commands. The player will remain frozen upon disconnecting and re-connecting to the server.
- Jailing - Jail a player in a custom location with a custom duration. Jailing a player prevents them from breaking blocks, placing blocks, interacting with the world, and running chat commands. The player will remain jailed upon disconnecting and re-connecting to the server.
- Kicking - Kick a player with a custom message. Kicking a player will disconnect them from the server and display to them the custom message.
- Banning - Ban a player with a custom duration and message. Banning a player will disconnect them from the server and display to them the custom message, as well as prevent them from re-connecting to the server until the duration has expired or they have been manually unbanned. Banning supports SQLite and MySQL databases.
- Notes - Staff members can create, delete, view, and manage custom player notes to help keep track of players long-term.
- Tickets - Players can create support tickets that will be displayed to all online staff members. Staff members can claim, delete, view, and manage these tickets to help handle player support.
- Command Immunity - Prevent your Admins and higher ranks from being punished by lower ranks.
- Command Logging - Tired of searching through your server.log for things? All Punishment commands that are issued are logged under punishment.log for easy access.
- Language File - Completely customise almost all messages and colour codes within Punishment.
Drag and drop Punishment.jar into your servers plugin directory.
View the default configuration here.
View the list of available commands here.
View the list of available permissions here.
Want to help translate Punishment and make it available in all languages? Simply grab the English lang.yml and upload your translated version to pastebin.com. Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Punishment will automatically search and notify you of any updates upon server start. If you wish to disable this feature, set the following Punishment config.yml setting: 'updates: false'
Punishment utilises Metrics to collect useful information and sends it to mcstats.org. If you wish to disable this feature, set the following Punishment config.yml setting: 'metrics: false'
Planned Features
- /muteall, /freezeall, /kickall commands.
- IP bans.
- Improved /banimport to import bans from popular Bukkit plugins files/databases as well as import vanilla Bukkit bans.
- /banexport to export your bans to vanilla Bukkit bans as well as export a simple uuid list.
- Banned words and phrases.
- Add a 'strike' feature for staff members to give to players according to what offence they make. Strikes will accumulate and certain console commands can be run depending on the strike amount.
- Admin/Staff GUI menu.
- Config section to allow Punishment commands to be manually disabled.
- Command aliases to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
- Time parameter limits to avoid excessive punishment lengths.
Great plugin! I was using one similar but also had al this mail and messaging stuff that I already had, so I switched to this one. Nice job!
A couple things I have a question on. Is there gonna be a tempban feature?
And nobody can see the broadcasts of people being banned/kicked/muted/warned. It isn't your plugin, it has happened for awhile. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to fix it. It is really confusing for players, and I posted it on the forums here, and no one knew. They told me to get a plugin of this sorts. Yet it still doesn't fix it.
Thanks :D
Awesome :) Can see this being very popular for simple servers that don't need all the bloat that comes with bigger plugins *cough*essentials*cough*
@HenzQ @MrTang
Thank you. =)
Nice plugin man :P