
Punishment commands as of v2.0.


Command Description Permission
/punishment help List your available Punishment commands.
/punishment info Display your Punishment info.
/punishment check <player> Display player Punishment info. punishment.punishment.check
/warn <player> <reason> Warn a player. punishment.warn
/mute <player> <time> Mute a player. punishment.mute
/unmute <player> Unmute a player. punishment.mute.unmute
/freeze <player> <time> Freeze a player. punishment.freeze
/unfreeze <player> Unfreeze a player. punishment.freeze.unfreeze
/jail <player> <jail> <time> Jail a player. punishment.jail
/unjail <player> Unjail a player. punishment.jail.unjail
/setjail <jail> Set a jail location. punishment.jail.set
/deljail <jail> Delete a jail location. punishment.jail.del
/kick <player> <reason> Kick a player. punishment.kick
/ban <player> <time> <reason> Ban a player. punishment.ban
/unban <player> <reason> Unban a player. punishment.ban.unban
/bancheck <player> Check if a player is banned. punishment.ban.check
/banhistory <player> Display a players ban history. punishment.ban.history
/banrecent <amount> Display recent server bans. punishment.ban.recent
/banimport Import bans from file list. punishment.ban.import
/note add <player> <message> Add a player note. punishment.note.add
/note delete <player> <note> Delete a player note. punishment.note.delete
/note view <player> View a players notes. punishment.note.view
/ticket create <message> Create a ticket. punishment.ticket.create
/ticket delete <player> Delete a ticket. punishment.ticket.delete
/ticket claim <player> Claim a ticket. punishment.ticket.claim
/ticket teleport <player> Teleport to a ticket. punishment.ticket.teleport
/ticket view <player> View a players ticket. punishment.ticket.view
/ticket list List all tickets. punishment.ticket.list



Parameter Description Example
<player> Represents the players Minecraft username. /note view xDeeKay
<reason> Represents the reason you wish to specify for the command. /kick xDeeKay Spamming chat
<time> Represents the duration you wish you specify for the command. /mute xDeeKay 10m
  Requires an integer followed by a 'time type' with no space.  
  Time types: 's' seconds, 'm' minutes, 'h' hours, 'd' days, and 'w' weeks.  
  More than 1 time can be used for precision. /mute xDeeKay 1h15m25s
  Append after the previous time with no space.  
  The order of the times do not matter.  
  If you wish the time to never expire, use the string 'permanent', 'perma', 'perm', or 'p' /ban xDeeKay permanent Griefing
<jail> Represents the jail name you wish to specify for the command. /setjail Alcatraz
<amount> Represents an amount as an integer you wish to specify for the command. /banrecent 5
<message> Represents the message you wish to specify for the command. /ticket create I need help!
<note> Represents the note number as an integer you wish to specify for the command. /note delete xDeeKay 2