Punishers v3.0
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UploadedJul 25, 2017
Size34.71 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
Version 3.0 of Punishers is the greatest update since its release.
Lots of new features have been added, as well as many bug fixes, performance improvements and more features;
- /unban and /unmute is now working properly (You no longer need the UUID of a player to do these commands.
- A brand new system for punishing players. Use /punish <player> <reason> and select a punishment from a GUI.
- Temporary bans and temporary mutes have been added.
- A new ban screen message was added.
- Ban screen now shows time left until unban.
- You will now be able to see time left of the mute, reason for the mute and the offense when you try to type something.
- The command /punishers was added to show statistics of your punishment plugin. (Will be more information soon)