
#PumpkiNibble Config File
#To define new items, follow this template
#pumpkin: Defines permission name, not quite as important user-wise, can be anything you want
#id: Defines item ID, be very careful
#data: Defines data value, default items have a value of zero, other items use data values (such as cocoa beans)
#enabled: Whether this is enabled or not
#takeInsufficientItems: Do we want the item to be taken if we don't have enough to "eat" it?
#healFoodAmount: Amount of the food bar to heal. One is half a "drumstick"
#healHealthAmount: Amount of hearts to heal. One is half a heart
#itemAmount: How much is the minimum amount of items? 
#potionEffects: List of potionEffects, see examples, duration is in seconds.
#potionEffects use the internal Bukkit names, see validPotionEffects
#messageOnEat: Message that is displayed when item is eaten
#messageInsufficient: Message that is displayed when not enough items are eaten at once
#messageUnable: Permissions message, when user is not allowed to eat items
#blacklist: List of blocks, that, when clicked will not trigger eating, such as farmland, doors, etc. It is recommended you copy the section from the defaults.

      id: 361
      dmg: 0
    enabled: true
    takeInsufficientItems: false
    healFoodAmount: 3
    healHealthAmount: 0
    itemAmount: 10
        strength: 1
        duration: 10
    messageOnEat: 'You nibbled on some seeds'
    messageInsufficient: 'Too..little..seeds..must..satisfy..cravings!'
    messageUnable: 'Doesn''t seem like you are able to nibble on any seeds'
      - 60 
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 61
      - 62
      - 107
      - 117
      - 145
      id: 351
      dmg: 3
    enabled: true
    takeInsufficientItems: false
    healFoodAmount: 2
    healHealthAmount: 1
    itemAmount: 2
    potionEffects: []
    messageOnEat: 'You ate some chocolate'
    messageInsufficient: 'You eat some chocolate, but unhuman cravings threaten to ravage your cocoa bean stock'
    messageUnable: 'You are not allowed to eat cocoa beans'
      - 60 
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 61
      - 62
      - 107
      - 17
      - 117
      - 145
      id: 372
      dmg: 0
    enabled: false
    takeInsufficientItems: true
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount 0 
    itemAmount: 15
        strength: 6
        duration: 300
    messageOnEat: '&kYo&ru are s&3o fli&kpp&4in&ig hi&2gh  
    messageInsufficient: 'Wasn't I supposed to start hallucinating? Maybe try a dose of 15'
    messageUnable: 'You don''t want to do drugs'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 88
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      id: 396
      dmg: 0
    enabled: true
    takeInsufficientItems: false
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount: 3
    itemAmount: 2
        strength: 2
        duration: 60
        strength: 2
        duration: 60
    messageOnEat: 'The miraculous powers of the carrot flow into you, as you see the world with sharper eyes, and feel your body vanish'
    messageInsufficient: 'You bite into the carrot, but the infused gold render it inedible. Reverse logic dictates you must eat more'
    messageUnable: 'The powers of the carrot may not be bestowed upon you, young one'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      id: 382
      dmg: 0
    enabled: true
    takeInsufficientItems: false
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount: 0
    itemAmount: 1
        strength: 2
        duration: 60
    messageOnEat: 'Your body warms, as you feel new strength pour in you'
    messageInsufficient: 'You bite into the melon, but the infused gold render it inedible. Reverse logic dictates you must eat more'
    messageUnable: 'A mysterious force surrounding the slice prevents your mouth from making contact with it''s golden juice'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      id: 338
      dmg: 0
    enabled: true
    takeInsufficientItems: true
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount: 0
    itemAmount: 10
        strength: 2
        duration: 20
        strength: 2
        duration: 20
    messageOnEat: 'The cooling sugarcane juice reinvigorates you'
    messageInsufficient: 'This is not enough sugarcane to make even a cup of juice!'
    messageUnable: 'A mysterious force surrounding the slice prevents your mouth from making contact with it''s golden juice'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      - 2
      - 3
      - 12
      id: 39
      dmg: 0
    enabled: false
    takeInsufficientItems: true
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount: 0
    itemAmount: 1
        strength: 1
        duration: 20
    messageOnEat: 'You''re supposed to &ocook&r the mushrooms before eating them!'
    messageInsufficient: 'Good thing you didn''t eat you much, you could have gotten sick'
    messageUnable: 'Something is preventing you from eating the mushroom. Probably the permissions system.'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      - 2
      - 3
      - 12
      - 1
      - 110
      id: 40
      dmg: 0
    enabled: false
    takeInsufficientItems: true
    healFoodAmount: 0
    healHealthAmount: 0
    itemAmount: 1
        strength: 1
        duration: 20
    messageOnEat: 'You''re supposed to &ocook&r the mushrooms before eating them!'
    messageInsufficient: 'Good thing you didn''t eat you much, you could have gotten sick'
    messageUnable: 'Something is preventing you from eating the mushroom. Probably the permissions system.'
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 107
      - 61
      - 62
      - 117
      - 145
      - 2
      - 3
      - 12
      - 1
      - 110
#Do not change
#This section is for reference only.
  - blindness
  - confusion
  - damage_resistance
  - fast_digging
  - fire_resistance
  - harm
  - heal
  - hunger
  - increase_damage
  - invisibility
  - jump
  - night_vision
  - poison
  - regeneration
  - slow
  - slow_digging
  - speed
  - water_breathing
  - weakness
  - wither


Lets take this config apart


Everything under this section defines items to be consumed


This section is extremely important, as it defined the name of the permission to be used, in this example, the permission for this would be pumpkinibble.nibble.pumpkin. Otherwise, it can be anything you want

      id: 361
      dmg: 0

The data section actually tells the plugin what item this is. ID is the item ID, in this case, pumpkin seeds, and the damage value is 0, what it is for most items.

    enabled: true

Whether this item is enabled or not. If this is false, nothing will happen when someone tries to eat this item

    takeInsufficientItems: false

If a player does not have enough items to eat, do we want to take his items? If this is true, any items less than the itemAmount will be taken away when a player eats it

    healFoodAmount: 3

How much of the food bar do we want to heal? 2 units is one "drumstick" in the food bar

    healHealthAmount: 0

How many hearts do we want to heal? 2 units is one heart in the health bar

    itemAmount: 10

How much of an item is needed before anything will happen?


All potion effects are defined here

        strength: 1
        duration: 10

Potion effects use Bukkit's PotionEffectType names. In this case, we are using regeneration. It will have a strength of 1 and will last 10 seconds

    messageOnEat: 'You nibbled on some seeds'

This message will be displayed when the person has ate the items. Colour codes with & work, but by default it will display in gold

    messageInsufficient: 'Too..little..seeds..must..satisfy..cravings!'

This message will be displayed when a person does not have enough items, as defined in the itemAmount field. Colour codes with & work, but by default it will display in gold

    messageUnable: 'Doesn''t seem like you are able to nibble on any seeds'

This message will be displayed when the person lacks the permission to eat seeds

      - 60 
      - 54
      - 64
      - 77
      - 143
      - 69
      - 96
      - 61
      - 62
      - 107
      - 117
      - 145

This is the list of block IDs that will be ignored if the users clicks those blocks.


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