PTweaks V6.0.1
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UploadedMar 15, 2013
Size24.79 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Just an update to 1.4.7-R1.0
- All Permissions changed. (ptweaks.ptweaks and ptweaks.ram)
- Only unloads chunk when they are not used by a player
- Removed some PlayerMove code
- Decreased spawnChunk radius to 64 blocks
- /ptml changed into /ptweaks
- Type /ptml ingame for help menu
- New command! [/ptml kill] Butcher all mobs on that world!
- Multiworld support added!
- Two new ChunkPersistance options!
- All commands have a [world] variable option! (IE: /ptml enablemobs WORLD_NAME)
- MonsterLimit config major update
- ChunkPersistance config major update
- MonsterLimit rewrote
- Cache min-saves limit reduced
- Chunk Persistence redone
- Chunks loaded based on player location
- Chunks unloaded based on player location
- All NMS removed
- Forwards Compatible
- + Lots More