PTweaks V5.0!
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UploadedNov 1, 2012
Size25.87 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.4.2
- PERMISSIONS FIXED! (ptml.has) now fully working!
- Ram re-iterated.
- PeformanceTweaks loop rewriten
- OPs bypass permission check
- ChunkSender development continued
- TileEntity events changed to .class b (was a)
- Chunk query a lot quicker
- Compiled against 1.4.2 Bukkit Build
- Spigot compatibility added
- Other plugins should take priority now
- Dynamic View distance improved
- Removed util class
- Changed all color schemes
- Chunk Persistence Query threading, completely changed
- New Algorithm for chunk loading (Not finished)
- Threaded Save - Optimized / redone for 1.3 Servers
- New ClassFile ChunkSaver
- Ram output changed to be more precise (More updates coming)
- Chunk Storing and gathering design changed
- Player Movement changed ("String s = c.getWorld() + ";" + c.getX() + ";" + c.getZ();") ("int x = event.getPlayer().getLocation().getBlockX() / 16;")
- Prune timing is now a cycle event for the chunks
- Title Entity level changed on each call to "[x|z] * 64"
- AutoSaveStoper re-designed, Time limits don't slowdown from tick rate drops
- OnEnable ,getting world much improved
- Some "chunkCoordIntPairQueue" have been moved to PlayerMoveEvents (Only some)
- Complied and updated to 1.3.1 Bukkit and 1.3.2.
- MonsterLimit has had a major revamp, and now concurrently works flawlessly. More changes soon though.
- Call list no longer needs to be updated ever 20 Ticks, saving resources
- Each startup has added "this.cSender = new ChunkSender(this);" Not enabled yet, however.
- The clear cycle has been changed to "if(freeMem() < 60L) {"
- Ram Update: Now tracks Max, Free, and Total memory. Removed dupe errors
- Chunk loading and sending task no longer synced, so they can run on the same resources at different times
- Mobs never turn off, or get reallowed after maxing the limit
- Server Restarts don't ruin or change settings any longer
- Fixed bug: Mobs random floating
- Fixed bug: Randomly falling into the ground
- Fixed bug: Kicked for AFK when flying
- Fixed bug: God Mobs after restarts
- Fixed bug: Ram outputs saying incorrect information on <1024MB servers
- Fixed bug: Falling into void when loading new chunks
- Fixed bug: Threaded Save causing server slowdowns / lag.
- Fixed bug: Chunks not loading properly at all