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UploadedDec 12, 2011
Size21.83 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.0.1-R1
- Updated to bukkit 1.0.0-r
- Chunk life time now 4 1/6 mins.
- Removed all "i" interface from Threaded Save
- Updated Ram to V1.2
- Started Permissions for Ptweaks ptml
- New Feature : TNT EDIT Changed from finished, to coming
- More CPU friendly.
- Updated to CraftBukkit 1337
- Fixed plugin.yml
- All features getWorld instead of getServer
- Added New Feature "Ram"
- Added New Command /ram
- Added New permission ram.has
- Auto Save stopper now slows down process's
- Old code in Updated
- Fixed torches light not going out when broken
- Updated Ram feature
- Fixed Remove animals being there twice
- Fixed Ea, Enabling Mobs.
- Fixed Ra, Disabling Mobs
- Fixed Enable mobs not working
- Fixed Plugin.yml to say correct version instead of 1.5
- Fixed Enable Animals not working correctly
- Thanks @pegasus for pointing out the RA being duped.
- Chunks Mini-save is now a little slower, this takes up less CPU
- Mob limit isn't only on Death and Spawn, but chunk load as well.
- Fixed OnEnable and OnDisable leaving extra notes in console.
- Updated for CB #1240
- Fixed CPU taking up extra resources for no reason
- Fixed Ptweaks error string
- Added Ptweaks Version 1.2 (C-V)
- Updated to work with CB: 1185
- Please leave feed back!
- If you find any bugs, Please let me know immediately!