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Description prior version 0.2

  • This plugin is in beta stage. feel free to report bugs :)
  • Please use the tickets for any issues, errors or suggestions

    Use ProWalls to run "The Walls" games full automatically


  • Setup multiple arenas
  • Up to 15 teams
  • Unimited players in each team
  • Easy setup
  • Automatic rollback
  • Automatic wall fall after a customizable timespan (no laggy pistons/redstone needed)
  • Automatic time announcements (no laggy pistons/redstone needed)
  • Customizable rewards for the winners
  • [Planned] Optional MySQL statistics with web frontend


  1. You need WorldEdit properly installed on your server at best with compatible nms block class
  2. You need WorldGuard properly installed on your server


  1. Put the "ProWalls.jar" file in the plugins folder of your server
  2. Restart your server

Setting up your arena


<> = requiredplaceholder[] = optional

/prowalls helpList of commands
/prowalls reloadReload the config files
/prowalls set <arenaId> [o] [n] [buildTime] [battleTime]Create/Modify an arena
arenaId = name of the arena
o = use existing selection
n = don't define spawns
battleTime = time to prepare for the battle (in minutes)
battleTime = timespan till the battle ends in a draw (in minutes)
/prowalls del <arenaId>Delete an arena
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls lobby <arenaId>Define the lobby at your position
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls arenasLists all arenas
/prowalls top [arenaId]Shows the Top10 players (if arenaId is specified only of that arena)
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls battle <arenaId>Start the battle in an arena
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls end <arenaId>End a running game
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls rollback <arenaId>Restore the arena
arenaId = name of the arena
/prowalls add <arenaId> <player> <color>Add a player to a game
arenaId = name of the arena
player = player you want to add
color = team the player may join
/prowalls kick <arenaId> <player>Kick a player from a game
arenaId = name of the arena
player = player you want to kick


/prowalls helpprowalls.helpall
/prowalls reloadprowalls.setupop
/prowalls setprowalls.setupop
/prowalls delprowalls.setupop
/prowalls lobbyprowalls.setupop
/prowalls arenasprowalls.arenasop
/prowalls topprowalls.topall
/prowalls battleprowalls.refereeop
/prowalls endprowalls.refereeop
/prowalls rollbackprowalls.setupop
/prowalls addprowalls.refereeop
/prowalls kickprowalls.refereeop
to place/break arena signsprowalls.signsop
to play the gameprowalls.playall
to teleport to teammatesprowalls.teleportop
to be able to voteprowalls.voteall


  • Path: plugins/ProWalls/config.yml
use-mysqlfalseSet to true if you have a mysql server ready and want to use the web statistics
hostlocalhostThe server IP of your MySQL server only needed if you set use-mysql to true
port3306The port of your MySQL server (default: 3306) only needed if you set use-mysql to true
databaseminecraftThe database where the tables get stored (must exist) only needed if you set use-mysql to true
loginprowallsYour MySQL username only needed if you set use-mysql to true
passwordchangemeYour MySQL server password only needed if you set use-mysql to true
debugfalseIf true, errors/warnings get displayed in the console
languageenAvailable languages: en = english, de = german
rollback-load-delay80Delay after every chunk rollback (smaller = faster rollback, but higher risk of a lag)
show-extra-death-messagefalseShow the plugin intern death notifications
start-timer-seconds30Time until the game starts (if min. two teams are ready)

Arena config

  • Path: plugins/ProWalls/arenaData/XXXX/config.yml
spawnsDon't change this
teamSignsDon't change this
worldDon't change this
regionDon't change this
lobbyDon't change this
buildMinutes30Time in minutes in which the players can prepare for the battle
battleMinutes45Time in minutes in which the players battle against each other
defaultExpLevel10Experience level at start
friendlyFirefalseEnable/Disable friendly fire
restoreInventoriesfalseRestore the players inventory/data after a game
broadcastStarttrueSend a message to all players if a game started
executeOnWineco give {u} <math>10+{s}*10</math>commands, executed for each player of the winner team
{u} = player
{s} = 1 if survived, 0 if not
<math>equation</math> evaluates equations


Why are the chests empty after a rollback?
Chests normally get restocked. If not, your WorldEdit build is probably outdated and not compatible with your current server build. You need to update to the latest WorldEdit build
Is it possible to send a message only to my teammates
Yes, if the first char is # the message gets only send to your team
Is there a command for teleporting rather then using the "My Team" paper?
Yes, you can use the #tp <teammate> command


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 29, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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