Adds 1.12.*, 1.11.*, 1.10.*, 1.9.*, 1.8.*, 1.7.*, 1.6.*, 1.5.*, 1.4.7 clients support to your spigot 1.12.2 server
I'm only supporting latest protocolsupport dev build. Also use github issues to post issues, i'm not reading forum posts most of the time.
Installation notice:
If you have problems with suddenly all players disconnecting and server stops working, set use-native-transport in to false
Usage notice:
Do not attempt no load/unload this plugin dynamicly, it won't work.
And that will never work.
Source code
License is AGPLv3
Development builds:
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Please allow 1.9 clients to join 1.10 servers.
When will this be 1.9 server compatible? And would it allow 1.8.x clients to join a 1.9.x server? And would this plugin work in tandem with ViaVersion?
Holograms do not display for 1.7 users?!
[06:38:50 INFO]: / lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError hostname
[06:38:56 INFO]: / lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError hostname
[06:39:05 INFO]: / lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError hostname
when players try join with this plugin
Waiting for 1.9 client support
using protocol support followed all the fixes and are using correct server versions (spigot, mc, craftbukkit) I can connect to the server in 1.8.8 but when i try to connect on 1.7.10 i get this: Exception Connecting:CorruptedFrameException : Empty Packet! @ net.md_5.bungee.protocol.Varint21FrameDecoder:34
Wow, well done.
I guess it's hard work to develop this kind of project.
@collller Post full error log to github issues.
@snipershotmaster Google for ProtocolSupportBungee
great plugin!
i found "Ticking entity" make 1.7.10/1.6.4/1.5.2 client crash when wither spawn
i remove all other plugins,and create a new world,but doesn't help :(
Entity Type: WitherSkull (zp)
Entity ID: 3398
Entity Name:
am i do something wrong?[spigot1.8.8 ProtocolSupport#198]
Also add support for bungeecord <3 (sorry for the requesting spam >_<)
Also would it allow people who have the shapshot version of mc (1.9)?
Interesting do i add this to bungeecord or a server? This is great for a hub ^_^ But what happens if a 1.5 player joins a server with 1.7/1.8 blocks?
Hey, I love your plugin, allows many different version clients to join. But if you are familiar with the app Minechat, it doesn't seem to work with it. Would this be something on their end they would need to accommodate for or a small fix on your end? Thanks.
I have a problem. Users of other versions have the bug of not being able to get into PvP, they are invincible :/
The latest one
Is there a specific version You can point me to that will work with 1.8.4? Please let me know ASAP.
thank you for this wonderful plugin.
you are the best!