ProtocolLib 2.6.0
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UploadedJul 31, 2013
Size983.74 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.6.2
- 1.5.2
- 1.2.5
Build: #115
The previous release (2.5.0) contained a potentially game breaking bug (ticket), so I've opted to expedite the usual monthly release schedule to get it corrected as soon as possible. Plugins affected by this bug may begin spamming the console, though the error message rate limiter should kick in and prevent the server from crashing. I recommend either staying on 2.4.7, or upgrading immediately.
Still, I did manage to cram in a new feature, without having to touch the rest of the code base. That will hopefully prevent a repeat from last time.
PacketContainer now allows you to read and modify the UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE (44) packet, using getAttributeCollectionModifier().
public class ExampleMod extends JavaPlugin { private final UUID SPRITING_SPEED = UUID.fromString( "662a6b8d-da3e-4c1c-8813-96ea6097278d"); private final UUID SUPER_SPRINTING = UUID.fromString( "d64c79c2-a459-446c-9308-409e1b6b3340"); public void onEnable() { ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().addPacketListener( new PacketAdapter(PacketAdapter.params(this, Packets.Server.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES).serverSide()) { public void onPacketSending(PacketEvent event) { List<WrappedAttribute> list = event.getPacket() .getAttributeCollectionModifier().read(0); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { WrappedAttribute attribute = list.get(i); // See if we should add the super sprinting // attribute if (attribute.hasModifier(SPRITING_SPEED) && !attribute.hasModifier(SUPER_SPRINTING)) { Set<WrappedAttributeModifier> modifiers = Sets.newHashSet(attribute.getModifiers()); // Add the new super sprinting too modifiers.add(WrappedAttributeModifier.newBuilder(). name("Super Sprinting").uuid(SUPER_SPRINTING). amount(2). operation(Operation.ADD_PERCENTAGE). build()); list.set(i, attribute.withModifiers(modifiers)); } } event.getPacket(). getAttributeCollectionModifier().write(0, list); } }); } }
This causes sprinting to be 200% faster.
Change log
- Added support for modifying attributes in UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES.
- Use the object wrappers when printing custom Minecraft objects. This makes "packet add" create more readable logs.