

The following permissions are available if you would like to use them.

"protectionstones.create" for placing ProtectionStones (default set to true). Also checks WorldGuard for player permission to place blocks in this location.

"protectionstones.destroy" for breaking ProtectionStones (default set to true). Also checks WorldGuard for player permission to break blocks in this location.

"protectionstones.view" for ProtectionStones View Command (default set to true).

"" for ProtectionStones Center Command (default set to true).

"" for ProtectionStones Info Command (default set to true), does not effect the sub commands.

"protectionstones.hide" for ProtectionStones Hide Command (default set to op, changed from true).

"protectionstones.unhide" for ProtectionStones Unhide Command (default set to op, changed from true).

"protectionstones.priority" for ProtectionStones Priority Command (default set to true).

"protectionstones.superowner" Overrides in region commands owner checks (default set to op).

"protectionstones.group1" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #1 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group2" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #2 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group3" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #3 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group4" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #4 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group5" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #5 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group6" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #6 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group7" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #7 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group8" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #8 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group9" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #9 (default set to false).

Only place a player in one group, by setting only one to "true".

"protectionstones.owners" for ProtectionStones Owners Commands (default set to op). This includes the following three commands:"/ps addowner [player], /ps removeowner [player], /ps info owners

"protectionstones.members" for ProtectionStones Members Commands (default set to true). This includes the following three commands:"/ps add [player], /ps remove [player], /ps info members

"protectionstones.flags" for ProtectionStones Flags Commands (default set to true). This includes the following three commands:"/ps info flags, /ps flag [flag name] [setting], /ps flag defaults

See the Commands Page to see the available flags.

Commands associated to the permissions above must be used while standing in the ProtectionStones Protected Area that you own.

"protectionstones.toggle" for ProtectionStones Toggle Command (default set to op).

"protectionstones.region" for ProtectionStones Region Commands for Admins (default set to op). This includes the following five commands:"/ps region count [player], /ps region list [player], /ps region remove [player], /ps region regen [player], /ps region disown [player]

As a note /ps info region must be performed while standing in a region.

"protectionstones.admin" for ProtectionStones Admin Commands for Admins (default set to op). This includes the following ten commands:"/ps admin version, /ps admin settings, /ps admin lastlogon [player], /ps admin lastlogons [days], /ps admin hide, /ps admin unhide, /ps admin stats [player], /ps admin cleanup remove [days], /ps admin cleanup regen [days], /ps admin cleanup disown [days]

Flag Setting Permissions

These permissions only effect the /ps flag command, not the default flags set to a new region.

"protectionstones.flag.passthrough" (default set to true)

"" (default set to false)

"protectionstones.flag.pvp" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.chest-access" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.pistons" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.tnt" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lighter" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.use" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.vehicle-place" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.vehicle-destroy" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.sleep" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mob-damage" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mob-spawning" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.deny-spawn" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.invincible" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.creeper-explosion" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.ghast-fireball" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.enderman-grief" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.greeting" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.farewell" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.notify-enter" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.notify-leave" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.exit" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.exit-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.entry" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.entry-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-amount" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-delay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-min-health" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-max-health" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-delay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-amount" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-min-hunger" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-max-hunger" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.snow-fall" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.snow-melt" (default set to true)

"" (default set to true)

"" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mushroom-growth" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.leaf-decay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.grass-growth" (default set to true)

"" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lava-fire" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lava-flow" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.water-flow" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.teleport" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.teleport-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.spawn" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.spawn-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.blocked-cmds" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.allowed-cmds" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.price" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.buyable" (default set to true)

Visit WorldGuard for the complete list of WorldGuard Region Flags and more information.

WG Permission to Modify Other Regions

If you have this permission you can modify other players WorldGuard Regions.


Or: worldguard.region.bypass.* for all worlds.

Default Permissions

PS was created with the most common permission defaults preset. To make PS easy to configure or to use it without a permissions plugin. All the PS Permissions are listed above on this page with their defaults of either, true (allowed), false (denied), or op (operator allowed).

To change these defaults you would either need to allow a false or op permission in your permissions plugin by adding that permission to the players group or the player directly for unique situations.

But for permissions that are set as true (allowed) many people may find it easier or the only way to deny a player would be to alter PS's defaults directly in the plugin.

To do this to any permission in PS do the following:

Open the protectionstones.jar with an archive program like 7zip, then edit the plugin.yml file inside the jar.

Find the permission section you want to change like the one controlling all flags commands...

  description: Allows Use of Flags Commands
  default: true

And change the "default: true" to "default: false"

Don't forget to reload your plugins so it will take effect.

As an additional note, if you go this route you will need to do this each time you update PS to a new version.

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