

General Commands

To show all information about a ProtectionStones Region: /ps info

To show a list of members in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps info members

To add a member to your ProtectionStones Region: /ps add [player]

To remove a member from your ProtectionStones Region: /ps remove [player]

To show the boundaries of your region: /ps view

To show the center of your region and beyond: /ps center

To hide a ProtectionStone: /ps hide

To unhide or replace a missing ProtectionStone: /ps unhide

To show a list of owners in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps info owners

To add an owner to your ProtectionStones Region: /ps addowner [player]

To remove an owner from your ProtectionStones Region: /ps removeowner [player]

To show a list of flags in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps info flags

To set a flag in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps flag [flag name] [setting]

To reset all the flags in your ProtectionStones Region to the flag defaults: /ps flag defaults

To unset/clear a flag in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps flag [flag name]

To set the priority level of a ProtectionStones Region: /ps priority [number]

To see the priority level of a ProtectionStones Region: /ps priority

To break a ProtectionStone without breaking it manually: /ps reclaim

Supported Flags

This list shows some of the flags currently supported:

chest-access: can be ALLOW or DENY, Not Set

entry: can be ALLOW or DENY, Not Set

mob-spawning: can be ALLOW or DENY, Not Set

pvp: can be ALLOW or DENY, Not Set

use: can be ALLOW or DENY, Default DENY

greeting: Default "Entering %player%'s protected area"

farewell: Default "Leaving %player%'s protected area"

Greeting and Farewell Messages that contain %player% will be replaced with ProtectionStone Owner's name in game.

Visit WorldGuard for the complete list of WorldGuard Region Flags and more information.

The above commands must be used while standing in the ProtectionStones Protected Region that you own.

To toggle on and off ProtectionStone Placement: /ps toggle

Region Commands

To show a count of the player's regions: /ps region count [player]

To show a list of the player's regions: /ps region list [player]

To remove all the player's regions: /ps region remove [player]

To remove and regenerate all the player's regions: /ps region regen [player]

To remove a player from the owners list of all regions: /ps region disown [player]

All region commands affect all WorldGuard Regions for the selected player, not just ProtectionStones Created WorldGuard Regions.

Warning /ps region remove and /ps region regen commands remove the WorldGuard Regions even if other owners own the regions, use with care and always backup your servers.

Admin Commands

To get the versions of ProtectionStones, Bukkit, WorldGuard, and WorldEdit: /ps admin version

To view the ProtectionStones config.yml: /ps admin settings

To see the last logon of a player in "days" (also returns if the player is banned): /ps admin lastlogon [player]

To see a list of players with a last logon greater than "days": /ps admin lastlogons [days]

(If you don't include a number for days then 0 days are used.)

To hide all ProtectionStones in the world you are in: /ps admin hide

To unhide all ProtectionStones in the world you are in: /ps admin unhide

To remove all regions for players with a last logon equal or greater than "days": /ps admin cleanup remove [days]

To remove and regenerate all regions for players with a last logon equal or greater than "days": /ps admin cleanup regen [days]

To remove player names from all region owner lists for players with a last logon equal or greater than "days": /ps admin cleanup disown [days]

(If you don't include a number for days then 30 days are used.)

Admin cleanup commands affect all WorldGuard Regions, not just ProtectionStones Created WorldGuard Regions.

Warning /ps admin cleanup remove and /ps admin cleanup regen commands remove the WorldGuard Regions even if other owners own the regions, use with care and always backup your servers.

No Console Support

ProtectionStones Commands Cannot run from the server console:
