suggestions #86

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to axeldios
  • _ForgeUser13911948 created this issue Jun 13, 2015

    1. update to 1.8.7 the bukkit api is available in spigot
    2. update to worldguard 6.1
    3. ability to add a player in all your protectionstones with one command example /ps addtoall IGN
    4. ability to update all ps flags with one command example /ps flagall pvp deny
    5. auto removal after player inactivity by config
    6. if you change the ps block for example to sponge and a creeper exploded near it the sponge will drop and the area will still be claimed and the player can do /ps unhide and multiply his ps blocks.

  • _ForgeUser13911948 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 13, 2015

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