ProtectionStones 1.2
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UploadedJan 6, 2012
Size7.83 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.0.1-R1
Release 1.2
Fixed WorldGuard Regions Not Being Written to the Region File
Added the following commands:
You must be standing in the region you own and have the new "protectionstones.members" permission to use the commands.
To add a member to your ProtectionStones Region: /ps add [player]
To remove a member from your ProtectionStones Region: /ps remove [player]
To show a list of members in your ProtectionStones Region: /ps info members
The permission "protectionstones.members" is set to "true" by default.
Incompatible with PreciousStones, they both act on the same kind of ore blocks and both have the same command name of "/ps".