ProtectionStones 1.1


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 3, 2012
  • Size
    5.53 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.0.1-R1


Release 1.1

Added custom configuration

Can change the following via config.yml:

WorldGuard Region USE Flag (ALLOW/DENY) Defaults to DENY WorldGuard Region ENTRY Flag (ALLOW/DENY) Defaults to ALLOW

Coal Ore Block (can be set from a size of 5 to 50) Defaults to 5, which gives creates a WorldGuard Region of 11x11x11 Lapis Ore Block (can be set from a size of 5 to 50) Defaults to 10, which gives creates a WorldGuard Region of 21x21x21 Diamond Ore Block (can be set from a size of 5 to 50) Defaults to 20, which gives creates a WorldGuard Region of 41x41x41