This plugin was simply made to make it easy for admins to go in and out of gamemode quicker. In stead of doing /gamemode creative or /gamemode survival or /gm 1 /gm 2 now all you have to do is /admin
- [1] Click Download in the top left of your webpage.
- [2] Click save.
- [3] Go to where you downloaded it too.
- [4] Drag and Drop admin.jar into your plugins folder.
- [5] Restart / Reload the server
- Do /admin
- All done!
- adming.use (This allows a group to use /admin)
- If you are op then you can use this automatically! If you don't want them to have it in your permissions file have adming.use but a - in front of it like so -adming.use
- /admin
Coming soon:
- /a (In and out of gamemode's)
- Broadcast a message to all admins saying that the person has entered admin mode.
- * Tell me what else to add down below * *
Info: Compatible with any build. (Craftbukkit or Spigot)