Command Reference

Command Reference

[Last updated for General 4.2]

Parameters or parts of parameters enclosed in [square] brackets are optional, while (parentheses) group sets of choices delimited with vertical bars (|). Underlined parameters must be substituted with something, whereas non-underlined parameters should be typed exactly as you see them.

Inventory commands

/[inven.]give item[/data] [amount] [player] [enchantment=[level] ...]
/[inven.]give player item[/data ] amount [data]
Gives a player some amount of an item. The player defaults to you (it is required in the console), and amount defaults to 1. For a full stack, specify an amount of 0. The item can be either an ID or a name from items.db. It can also be an alias for experience, such as "xp". The data can either be a number (such as a damage value) or a name from the variants section of items.yml. There cannot be a space between the slash and the data value. The second form is provided to mirror the vanilla syntax (providing the data in both places will probably cause errors; don't do it).
Other Aliases: item, i
/[inven.]take item[/data] [amount] [player]
Works exactly like the /give command, but in reverse. If the amount is not specified, it takes all occurrences of the specified item from your inventory. Experience also works here (eg /take xp 3). If you omit all the parameters, it takes the currently selected item on your quickbar.
/[inven.]items item1 item2 ... itemN [-> player]
Give several items at once. You only get one of each item. If issued from the console, the first argument is who to give it to. If issued by a player, you can't specify who to give it to; everything will be given to you only. Any invalid items in the list are ignored.
/[inven.]masstake item1 item2 ... itemN [<- player]
Takes all items matching the specified names. If issued from the console, the first argument is who to take from. If issued by a player, everything will be taken from you only. Any invalid items on the list are ignored without warning or feedback.
/[inven.]clear [player] [pack|armo[u]r|quickbar|xp|chat]
Removes everything from the player's inventory, including their armour (if any). Special cases: /clear xp removes all your experience, and /clear chat will clear the chat window of messages.
Lists kits available to you.
/[inven.]kit kit-name [player]
Gives you or another player the named kit.
/[inven.]mode [player] [game-mode]
View or change a player's game mode. Both numerical mode IDs and mode names (survival or creative) are supported.

Time command

/[misc.]time [world]
Shows the current time.
/[misc.]time [world] (day|night|dawn|dusk|morning|evening|sunset|sunrise|noon|midday|midnight)
Sets the time to a preset value.
/[misc.]time [world] [=](ticks|time)
Set the time to a specific point. You can specify either the actual ticks (a number from 0 to 23999) or the time in either 12-hour or 24-hour format. For completeness: 12-hour format is like 2:45pm or 12:23am, where AM and PM are case-insensitive, noon is 12pm, and midnight is 12am. You can omit the minutes. Seconds are not supported. The 24-hour format is identified by the omission of the AM or PM, and midnight is 0:00; if you add the optional suffix h (case-insensitive), you can still omit the minutes.
/[misc.]time [world] (+|-)(number|time)
Fast-forward or rewind the time. You can either specify the number of ticks after the beginning of the day (there are 24000 ticks in a day), or specify a duration in the form 2h12m. You need only specify either hours or minutes.
/[misc.]time add|set time
Vanilla-based syntax; only sets the current world (if used by a player) or the first world (if used from the console). Probably not very useful unless you have a world whose name is one of the preset time names, but included because it's the vanilla syntax.

Weather Command

Toggle whether there is a storm active (current world only).
/[misc.]weather [world] (on|off|duration)
Set whether there is a storm active and how long it will last. The effect depends on the biome; in all biomes, the sky will darken, taiga and tundra will get snowfall, and all other biomes besides desert get rainfall. If duration is supplied, it will last for the specified length of time; this works even if a storm is already raging.
/[misc.]weather [world] thunder
Toggle whether the storm is a thunderstorm; has no effect if there is no storm.
/[misc.]weather [world] thunder (on|off|duration)
Set whether the storm is a thunderstorm and how long the thunder will last.
/[misc.]weather zap [player|world]
Create a lightning strike near your location, the location of another player, or the spawn location of a world. The actual location is random.
/[misc.]weather player
Create a lightning strike near the specified player. The actual location is random.
/[misc.]weather world zap
Same as /weather zap world.
/[misc.]weather world
Show the current weather in the specified world.

Teleportation commands

/[teleport.]go [target] destination
The first argument is who to teleport; it defaults to whoever is issuing the command (it's required if issued from the console). It can be a single player (optionally prefixed by an exclamation mark), a comma-separated list of players, an asterisk to indicate all players, the name of a world (optionally prefixed by an at-sign) to indicate everyone in that world, or one of the special keywords "self", "there", "near", and "nearmob" (optionally prefixed with a dollar sign). The last argument is the destination. It can be a player (optionally prefixed by an exclamation mark), world (optionally prefixed by an at-sign), location (comma-separated x,y,z coordinates), world and location (of the form world(x,y,z)), one of the special keywords "there", "here", "home", "spawn", and "compass" (optionally prefixed by a dollar sign), or a player followed by one of the special keywords (so, player$keyword; the "here" keyword not permitted).
Other Aliases: tele, teleport, tp
/[teleport.]setspawn [world|player] [destination]
Sets the current spawn location in the specified world or for the specified player. The WORLD argument is permitted only in conjunction with specific coordinates. The PLAYER argument can be "self" to indicate the player who issued the command. Destination are the same as for the /tele command.

Chat commands

/[chat.]tell player message
Sends a private message to the specified player only.
Other Aliases: msg, pm, whisper
/[chat.]away [message]
Sets or unsets your away message. If no message is specified, you are marked as no longer away.
Other Aliases: afk


/[info.]who [player]
Gives information about the specified player, which defaults to yourself.
Other Aliases: playerinfo, whois
/whoami [options]
Like above, but lets you see information about yourself only and may allow you to see information that you're not allowed to see for other people. The option parameter specifies what info you want to see; options include hunger, xp, health, name, and more; you can specify several, or you can simply specify all.
/[info.]playerlist [world]
Lists online players. If a world is specified, lists only players in that world. It won't list players who are invisible.
Other Aliases: online, list
/[info.]worldinfo [world]
Display information about the specified +world+, which defaults to the current one (or the first one if called from the console).
/[info.]getpos [player] [option]
Get location information about a player, which defaults to yourself.
/[info.]iteminfo [slot] [player]
Gives information about an item the player is holding. Specify a slot from 0-39 to see info on some other item in the inventory (may not work for armour slots).
/general help [topic]
Display a help topic.
/general motd
Display the message of the day.


/[misc.]heal [player] [amount]
Heals the player (defaults to the player issuing the command) by the specified number of hearts, which is between -10 and 10. Half hearts are supported. You can use /heal -10 as a suicide command.
/hurt [player] [amount]
Same as heal, but negates the amount. Eg, /hurt 10 is the same as /heal -10, and /hurt -2 is the same as /heal 2.
/[misc.]mob[spawn] mob[/data] [mount[/data][/baby]] [count] [destination]
Spawns a mob; the mob is either a mob name or number (0-14). Mobs that have data are creepers (powered), pigs (saddle), zombie pigmen (angry), sheep (sheared, colours), slimes (size), magma cubes (size), endermen (carried block), and wolves (angry, tamed, owner). Not all mobs can be spawned as a baby. Destinations work the same as in the /tele command.
Other Aliases: mob


/general reload
Reload the configuration files.
/general item alias alias [item]
Shows or sets which item the alias points to. The item is parsed the same way as in the /give command, so you can set a new alias to an existing one. Removing one is like viewing, but you put a - in front (no space).
/general item variant item [[+|-|=]name]
Sets a variant name for the given item, which should be of the for +item:data+, or show all currently assigned names. For example, "general item variant wool:blue" will show all aliases for "blue" when used with "wool". With = you can specify a comma-separated list (no spaces), which will replace all existing aliases. The + or = is optional, but - is required to remove one.
/general item name item [name]
Sets or shows the display name of the given item. The item is parsed exactly as in the /give command. To include spaces in the name, replace them with underscores ( _ ).
/general item hook name
subset [item]
Shows or sets the item binding of the given hook.
/general item group name
View the contents of the specified item white/blacklist group.
/general item group name delete
Delete the specified item white/blacklist group.
/general item group name [[+|-|=]name]
Alter the item white/blacklist group. This works more or less like the /general item variant command.
/general (restrict|release) permissions-node
/general kit kit-name add [item amount]
Adds an item to a kit, creating the kit first if it doesn't already exist. You can omit the item and amount if you only want to create the kit without adding any items to it; doing so will raise an error if it already exists.
/general kit kit-name remove item [amount]
Removes some of an item from a kit.
/general kit kit-name delay delay
Sets the cooldown delay for the specified kit, which must be an integer.
/general kit kit-name cost cost
Sets the cost for the specified kit, which must be a number. Depending on the settings in the config.yml, it may be ignored.
/general kit kit-name trash
Delete a kit entirely.
/general kit kit-name list
List the contents of a kit.
/general economy path = cost
Sets the cost of something other than a kit. The path is fairly complicated, but for the most part corresponds to the keys in your config.yml. For example, to set the cost of setting the time to day, you would use /general economy time day = 5.0.
/general set variable value
Sets some configuration variable. Use /general set list to see the available variables.
/general genlang
Generates a complete language text file for translation purposes.
/[admin.]op [list-of-players]
Gives op status to each of the space-separated list of players; partial name matching works. With no parameter, gives the caller op status.
/[admin.]deop [list-of-players]
Like /op, but removes op status.
/[admin.]ban list-of-players
Like /op, but bans the players (and kicks them if they're online). It'll warn if the player isn't online, since that might mean they don't exist.
/[admin.]pardon list-of-players
Like /op, but unbans the players.
/[admin.]kick player [reason]
Kicks a player from the server with the given reason.
/[admin.]stop [delay] [reason]
Stops the server after the specified delay (given in in-game time). When the time to stop comes, it kicks all players with the specified message and waits a bit longer (300 ticks) before shutting down, during which time it won't accept logins. You need additional permission to specify a delay of less than 100 ticks. (These hard values will probably be exposed as config settings at some point.) It also broadcasts a message announcing the impending shutdown when you initially use the command (this is skipped if there's no delay).


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