
PrivateDrops v1.1.1


This plugin will allow protection of dropped items for an amount of time specified in the config. E.g. If a player drops a diamond, no one else will be able to pick it up for x seconds. The configuration file allows for protection for different types of drops, such as death drops, block breaking drops, and more.


To install this plugin, simply download it and put it in the plugins folder on your server. After that, restart it to generate the config.yml file.


This section will provide more information on what each option in the config does.

  • seconds-until-public | The amount of seconds until an item's protection is removed.
  • enabled-worlds | List of worlds that drop protection is enabled for (besides users with privatedrops.allworlds).

Commands & Permissions

  • privatedrops.private.basic | Allows the items that the player drops to be protected for an amount of time. This protection will be removed if the player leaves the server unless they have the permission node privatedrops.private.quit.
  • privatedrops.private.break | Allows the items that drop when a block is broken by the player to be protected for an amount of time (via mining, punching, excavating, etc.).
  • privatedrops.private.death | Allows the items that the drop on the players death to stay protected for an amount of time.
  • privatedrops.private.quit | Allows the items that the player drops to be protected when they quit for an amount of time.
  • privatedrops.allworlds | Allows the items that the player drops to be protected in all worlds, not just enabled ones.
  • privatedrops.ignore | Allows player to ignore protections and pick up items regardless. Since OPs will get this by default, you can give the actual player * -privatedrops.ignore (notice the hyphen at the start) which will negate the permission if you don't want OPs doing this.

Current Features

  • Different types of protection.
  • Configurable length of time until protection is removed.
  • Per-world support (added in v1.1.0) [suggested by 2008Choco]

Planned Features

  • Add more types of protection.

Requests are welcome!


If you like my work and want to support what I do, this is my PayPal donation link: :)


View download page for an up-to-date changelog!


If you run in to any errors, please submit a ticket or direct message me instead of leaving a negative comment :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 10, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Dec 1, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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