PrisonUtils is a Plugin which (as the name already suggests) adds a couple
of useful Prison Utilities to the game.
It also adds Backpacks which can be used to store items.
If you have QuickSell installed, you can also sell all Items which are inside
your Backpack.
if you have PrisonGems installed, players can purchase Backpacks
using Gems via /backpacks or [Backpack] Signs
Every Feature can be disabled in the Config!
- Auto-Smelting
- Automatically tranform Items into their Block Form if you have at least 9 of them
- Fortune on all Blocks
- Permanent Potion Effects
- Unbreakable Tools
- Preventing specific Damage Causes
- Backpacks
- Blocks go straight to your Inventory/Backpack
- QuickSell Integration with Backpacks
- QuickMarket Integration with Backpacks
- Disable Weather
- Integrated Protection Plugin
- Displaying the Owner of the Pickaxe and the amount of blocks broken in the name
- Displaying the Owner of the Pickaxe and the amount of blocks broken in the lore
- Executing commands when a certain amount of blocks broken is reached
- Automatically sell Items to a QuickSell Shop when mining
- Specify what Blocks drop EXP (works for all Blocks, not only Ores)
- Automatically add EXP to your XP Bar instead of dropping it on the ground
mining: auto-smelt: true ## Specify whether it automatically smelts mined Blocks enable-fortune: true ## You can enable/disable whether Fortune has an impact on the amount of dropped Items straight-to-inventory: true ## Specify whether mined Items go straight to your Inventory/Backpack backpacks: true ## Specify whether Backpacks are enabled prefer-backpacks: true ## Specify whether it will prefer to put Items into the Backpack or Inventory unbreakable-pickaxes: false ## Specify whether Tools take damage when being used auto-block: true ## Specify whether Valuables automatically get turned into their Block Form if you have at least 9 block-whitelist: ## Well, if you are lazy and don't want a protection plugin, you can simply disable breaking blocks which are NOT in this list. Note here that in Creative Mode you will still be able to break those. And you can disable this list by setting it to [] - STONE - COAL_ORE - IRON_ORE - GOLD_ORE - LAPIS_ORE - DIAMOND_ORE - EMERALD_ORE - QUARTZ_ORE - COAL_BLOCK - IRON_BLOCK - GOLD_BLOCK - LAPIS_BLOCK - DIAMOND_BLOCK - EMERALD_BLOCK - QUARTZ_BLOCK - REDSTONE_ORE - GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE - REDSTONE_BLOCK autosmelt-blacklist: ## You can also specify Blocks that will be excluded from Autosmelting - LOG - LOG_2 block-counter ## Specify whether the Block Counter is enabled, without this the above 2 settings wont work soulbound-pickaxes: true ## Specify whether Pickaxes are soulbound soulbound-backpacks: true ## Specify whether Reinforced Backpacks are enabled autosell: summary-every: 100 ## Specify the amount of times AutoSell sold Items required for it to send a Stats Summary pickaxe: name: enabled: true ## Specify whether the Pickaxes Name will be affected by this Plugin prefix: '&b{PLAYER}''s ' ## Specify the Prefix of your Pickaxe suffix: ' &8[&6{BLOCKSBROKEN} Blocks broken&8]' ## The Suffix of your Prefix ## Since v1.4.5 it also allows custom Pickaxe Names to be used. If your Pickaxe Name is "Donator Pick" ## it will look like the following "mrCookieSlimes's Donator Pick [1923 Blocks broken]" ## if it has no Name it will look like this "mrCookieSlimes's Diamond Pickaxe [1923 Blocks broken]" lore: enabled: false ## Specify whether the Pickaxes Lore will be modified by this Plugin lines: - '&7Pickaxe Owner: &e{PLAYER}' ## Here are some Variables you can use in the Lore - '&7Blocks broken: &e{BLOCKSBROKEN}' - '&7Durability: &e{DURABILITY}' - '' ## Note here that this Lore will NOT delete any previous Lore, it will smartly modify it by putting the above defined Lines in front of the previous Lore axe: name: enabled: true ## Specify whether the Axe Name will be affected by this Plugin prefix: '&b{PLAYER}''s ' ## Specify the Prefix of your Axe suffix: ' &8[&6{BLOCKSBROKEN} Blocks broken&8]' ## The Suffix of your Prefix lore: enabled: false ## Specify whether the Axe Lore will be modified by this Plugin lines: - '&7Tool Owner: &e{PLAYER}' ## Here are some Variables you can use in the Lore - '&7Blocks broken: &e{BLOCKSBROKEN}' - '&7Durability: &e{DURABILITY}' - '' shovel: name: enabled: true ## Specify whether the Shovel Name will be affected by this Plugin prefix: '&b{PLAYER}''s ' ## Specify the Prefix of your Shovel suffix: ' &8[&6{BLOCKSBROKEN} Blocks broken&8]' ## The Suffix of your Prefix lore: enabled: false ## Specify whether the Shovel Lore will be modified by this Plugin lines: - '&7Tool Owner: &e{PLAYER}' ## Here are some Variables you can use in the Lore - '&7Blocks broken: &e{BLOCKSBROKEN}' - '&7Durability: &e{DURABILITY}' - '' full-inventory: sound: true ## Specify whether a Sound will be played when your Inventory is full title: true ## Specify whether a Title will be sent when your Inventory is full actionbar: false ## Specify whether a Message using the ActionBar will be sent when your Inventory is full allow-breaking-blocks: true ## Specify whether Players are still able to break Blocks with a full Inventory silktouch-whitelist: ## Specify which Blocks are affected by Silk Touch - COAL_ORE- - WEB - DIAMOND_ORE - EMERALD_ORE - GRASS - HUGE_MUSHROOM_1 - HUGE_MUSHROOM_2 - ICE - LAPIS_ORE - MYCEL - DIRT - PACKED_ICE - QUARTZ_ORE - REDSTONE_ORE fortune: use-whitelist: false ## Whether the Block Whitelist will be used block-whitelist: ## All Blocks Fortune has an Effect on, set use-whitelist to false in order to apply Fortune to every Block - COAL_ORE - REDSTONE_ORE - GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE - LAPIS_ORE - QUARTZ_ORE - DIAMOND_ORE - EMERALD_ORE world-blacklist: ## All Worlds where Fortune will not work - world_nether level-modifier: 0.6 ## ADVANCED Set the Modifier for Levels, this will be the multiplier for the fortune level you have in order to determine the max amount of items obtainable using that level of fortune. E.G. Fortune 100 -> 100 * 0.6 = 60 -> At most 60 Items min-modifier: 0.2 ## ADVANCED Set the min. Modifier for Levels, this will be the multiplier for the fortune level you have in order to determine the min amount of items obtainable using that level of fortune. E.G. Fortune 100 -> 100 * 0.2 = 20 -> At least 20 Items regions: use-whitelist: false ## Specify whether Fortune only works in certain WorldGuard Regions whitelist: - a - b - c backpacks: ## You can also configure the Names of the Backpacks name: normal: '&eBackpack' soulbound: '&eReinforced Backpack' environment: permanent-effects: ## Specify which Effects Players permanently have - NIGHT_VISION - SATURATION prevented-damage: ## Specify which Damage Causes are cancelled - FALL - SUFFOCATION enable-weather: false ## Specify whether Weather is enabled/disabled world-blacklist: ## You can also specify worlds where this Plugin will not take affect - world_the_end - world_nether options: ## And if you don't want this Plugin to automatically update, you can simply turn it off auto-update: true block-rewards: ## Note here that this only works if you have pickaxe renaming enabled enabled: false ## Specify whether rewards for breaking a certain amount of Blocks are enabled repeating: ## Those commands will get executed every X blocks broken. Set it to [] to disable that amount '1': [] standard: ## Those commands will get executed whenever a Player breaks that certain amount of Blocks '100': - 'say {PLAYER} broke a hundred blocks' ## The Variable {PLAYER} can be used here exp: whitelist: ## Here you can specify what Blocks drop EXP - COAL_ORE - REDSTONE_ORE - GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE - LAPIS_ORE - QUARTZ_ORE - DIAMOND_ORE - EMERALD_ORE auto-exp: true ## Specify whether EXP automatically gets added to your XP bar instead of being dropped on the ground environment: fly-on-join: false ## Here you can specify whether Players will be granted the ability to fly when they join the server
Command | Description | Permission | ||||
/backpack <Player> <Amount of Rows> [soulbound] | Gives the specified Player a Backpack which is capable of holding the specified amount of Rows as an Inventory. If you append soulbound to the command, it will give you a reinforced Backpack | backpack.cheat | ||||
/autosell | Toggles the automatically selling of Items when mining. Requires QuickSell | PrisonUtils.autosell | ||||
Allows you to automatically pickup items as you mine | PrisonUtils.autopickup | |||||
Allows you to automatically smelt items as you mine | PrisonUtils.autosmelt | |||||
Allows you to automatically package Ores into their Block form as you mine | PrisonUtils.autoblock |
Developer API
PrisonUtils allows a lightweight API for Developers to be used in order to create custom Addons for PrisonUtils.
API Documentation
Auto-Updater and Metrics
All my Plugins are using an Auto-Updater to make sure, you're always
using the latest and hopefully most bug free version of my Plugin.
If you don't want this Plugin to be auto-updated, you can turn it off
in the config file at "options -> auto-update: true/false"
They also use a Metrics-System which collects the following Informations:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing
plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
You need to be able to disable chat-inventory-full
Weird. I'll update to the latest version of Spigot and see if the problem persists.
Well the Error is leading to a Block dropping NULL
Minecraft and Bukkit on their own have no Block dropping NULL. Either AIR or another Item.
A mistake on Spigots part then.
Well it must be Spigot then. Haven't installed any new plugins recently.
And its all blocks, I think. Tested with wooden planks, stained clay, stone, and coal ore.
A Spigot Issue or Plugin Intereference.
Also, what Block...?
I get this weird error now when I break a block:
Use PrisonGems or ServerSigns for that.
Can you make an update to be able to buy backpacks with signs please?
You didnt remove it properly then. Set it to []
When I remove Saturation and Night Vision from permanent-effects and restart the server the effects persist. Running Jenkins 488 - Craftbukkit.
Could I request a feature where only the pickaxe owner (listed on the pick) can mine with the pick unless it's cleared (in the crafting grid) by the owner?
You need to blacklist Coblestone.
Hey @mrCookieSlime is possible to blacklist stone on autosmelt, i want to get cobblestone. I try this with sand work but not with stone!
Probably gonna be fixed in EZRanksLite 2, or the seprate scoreboard plugin he might release.
EDIT: Weird, not happening to me...
Ask the author of EzRanksLite to fix this...
I have resolved the issue: If you have a nickname active, then it says %gems%, but when you have your nickname off, then it says the number of gems you have. Can you please look into this? Thanks, Mity
I have been searching for HOURS and cannot figure this out: on my EZRanksLite Scoreboard, all I see is %gems%, instead of the actual number of gems I have. I have PrisonGems v1.0.3 (latest) and CS-CoreLib (latest) and PrisonUtils v1.5.3 (latest), but it is still not working. The weird thing is that some people can see the %gems%, and others can see the number of gems they have.
Thanks again, Mity
Again, no...
Hey I Dont Suppose There Are / Is A Permission I Am Missing Where By You Need A Certain Permission to Use The Block Fortune Thing If Not Would It Be Possible To Add Thanks Pengulln @mrCookieSlime
But my server is prison, and for example, I want players to be able to mine Emerald blocks (or other blocks) and get fortune for it..