PrisonUtils v1.2.13
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UploadedFeb 8, 2015
Size31.35 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Version 1.2.13
- Bug Fixes
Fixed XP not working properly
Version 1.2.12
+ Added Auto-exp feature
+ Added the ability to customize what Blocks drop xp when being broken
+ Added the option to give Players fly when they join
Version 1.2.11
- Bug Fixes
Fixed messages.yml not being saved sometimes
Fixed Ores not working if added to the Fortune blacklist
Fixed Items still dropping if "block breaking when inventory is full" is enabled
Version 1.2.10
- Bug Fixes
Fixed /autosell not properly saving its status
Version 1.2.9
- CS-CoreLib is now an external download but will be automatically downloaded if it wasnt found
Autosell and Backpacks now require QuickSell v1.9+ to be ran
Version 1.2.6
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Autosell sometimes not working
Version 1.2.5
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Unbreaking not being taken in account
Fixed Fortune not being calculated properly
Fixed Unbreakable Tools Option not working
Version 1.2.4
+ Added /autosell
+ Added Permission PrisonUtils.autosell
+ Added Fortune World blacklist
- Backpack Performance Improvement
Version 1.2.3
+ Added QuickSell Autosell Integration
Version 1.2.2
+ Added Autosmelting Blacklist
Version 1.2.1
+ Added Block Counter
+ Added Customizable Pickaxe names
+ Added Custom Lore
+ Added Rewards for breaking a certain amount of blocks
Version 1.2
- Entirely recoded Backpacks
Performance Improvement (decreased Lag a lot)
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Emerald not turning into Emerald Blocks
Warning v1.2+ is incompatible with any Version of QuickSell below 1.8
Version 1.1.6
- Fixed a Compatibility Issue with Plugins like OtherDrops and EZBlocks
Version 1.1.5
+ Added a Blacklist for Fortune
+ Added an Option to specify whether Backpacks or the Players Inventory will be preferred
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Metrics for 1.7.10
Version 1.1.3
+ Added a Config Option for still breaking Blocks if the Inventory is full
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Auto-Smelting
Version 1.1.2
- Fixed Weather disabling Crash
Version 1.1.1
- Minor Performance Improvements
Version 1.1
+ Added World-Blacklist
+ Added Blocks-Whitelist (Protection Plugin)
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Weather disabling
Version 1.0.4
- Bug Fixes
Fixed "Full Inventory"-Message Spam when disabling "Straight to Inventory"
- Some minor Performance Improvements
Version 1.0.3
+ Added Auto-Updater
- Bug Fixes
Disabling weather is now working c:
Version 1.0.2
+ Added "Auto-Block" function
- Bug Fixes
Fixed "Full Inventory"-Message
Version 1.0.1
+ Added the Ability to disable Weather
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error occuring when you break Snow
Version 1.0