PrisonUtils v1.2.9
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UploadedJan 22, 2015
Size29.92 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Version 1.2.9
- CS-CoreLib is now an external download but will be automatically downloaded if it wasnt found
Autosell and Backpacks now require QuickSell v1.9+ to be ran
Version 1.2.6
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Autosell sometimes not working
Version 1.2.5
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Unbreaking not being taken in account
Fixed Fortune not being calculated properly
Fixed Unbreakable Tools Option not working
Version 1.2.4
+ Added /autosell
+ Added Permission PrisonUtils.autosell
+ Added Fortune World blacklist
- Backpack Performance Improvement
Version 1.2.3
+ Added QuickSell Autosell Integration
Version 1.2.2
+ Added Autosmelting Blacklist
Version 1.2.1
+ Added Block Counter
+ Added Customizable Pickaxe names
+ Added Custom Lore
+ Added Rewards for breaking a certain amount of blocks
Version 1.2
- Entirely recoded Backpacks
Performance Improvement (decreased Lag a lot)
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Emerald not turning into Emerald Blocks
Warning v1.2+ is incompatible with any Version of QuickSell below 1.8
Version 1.1.6
- Fixed a Compatibility Issue with Plugins like OtherDrops and EZBlocks
Version 1.1.5
+ Added a Blacklist for Fortune
+ Added an Option to specify whether Backpacks or the Players Inventory will be preferred
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Metrics for 1.7.10
Version 1.1.3
+ Added a Config Option for still breaking Blocks if the Inventory is full
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Auto-Smelting
Version 1.1.2
- Fixed Weather disabling Crash
Version 1.1.1
- Minor Performance Improvements
Version 1.1
+ Added World-Blacklist
+ Added Blocks-Whitelist (Protection Plugin)
- Bug Fixes
Fixed Weather disabling
Version 1.0.4
- Bug Fixes
Fixed "Full Inventory"-Message Spam when disabling "Straight to Inventory"
- Some minor Performance Improvements
Version 1.0.3
+ Added Auto-Updater
- Bug Fixes
Disabling weather is now working c:
Version 1.0.2
+ Added "Auto-Block" function
- Bug Fixes
Fixed "Full Inventory"-Message
Version 1.0.1
+ Added the Ability to disable Weather
- Bug Fixes
Fixed an Error occuring when you break Snow
Version 1.0