Prison Mine 1.3
Tired of a tedious and complicated process of creating refillable mines on your prison server? Tired of different plugins not working together? Tired of people going straight for the diamonds, the location of which they remember? I have good news for you.
With PrisonMine, all you need to do is set up an area, set up the block ratios using an easy-to-remember command, and now you can set it to a randomized pattern using one command, any time you want, anywhere you want. Reset the mine manually through a command, let the timer decide when the reset should occur, or make the mine reset itself once it is mined out to a certain extent! Or let your players reset the mine by clicking a button, for a price that you set.
PrisonMine + Tutorials + Commands + Permissions + Configuration + Source + Issues + Development Builds Optional Dependencies: + Vault + WorldEdit | PrisonSuite 1.3 PrisonMine 1.3 |
The plugin is packed the features; all of them are listed on the Commands page, but here's a quick glimpse:
- Select a region with ease, either with built-in commands or with a World Edit wand
- Add a custom block ratio - all materials supported
- Reset the mine with one command or with a click on a sign!
- Multiple generators – control the way your mine is to be reset
- Set up an automatic reset timer for each of the mines
- Link mines together and make them share the same timer
- Teleport players out of the mine before it resets
- Permissions support
- Per-mine permissions!
- Customizable messages to be broadcasted to players
- Plugin update notifications
The most up-to-date tutorial was made by Koz4christ
Tutorial in Portuguese by AbsintoJ.
Outdated tutorial: Plugin Showcase: Mine Reset by MarchOfTheForsaken
Statistical Data Collection
This plugin utilizes Plugin Metrics, a tool used to collect anonymous data that will help me in the development of the plugin. Only basic information about the server is collected, no personal data is compromised. The full description of Plugin Metrics can be found on Bukkit Dev forums.
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Hello guys i have a question.How do i make it so that all mines can reset altogether at once and it only shows like All-Mines has been reset?
First question already answered, Second question, yes you can by deleting your mine that will remove it but you will have to redefine the mine. Third question, yes that is correct, if the name doesnt work try and find the item ID number and use that instead.
for the last block you add to your mine don't add the percent at the end of it, so it should looks something like this is i want to add stone to the rest of my mine
/mine add stone If this doesnt work then i don't know why you cant fill it 100%
Man, I`ve got an big problem with that plugin. Every time I open my server, all my mines crashes. But only the mines, no the files. When I use /mine reload, them appear. Thanks :P
maybe it is a good idea to fix the problem that you can make you mine 100 procent filled and not whit 99.9! or is this just a problem what i have?
Thsi plugin really needs updating badddd :\ it barely run- when it does there are many errros and warns. Disabling it I have 0 problems with 40+ other plugins. It does not work at all with CityWorld (generator) Treeassist (used to but when I added Crackshot now it wont) as well as worldguard custom flags (with treefarm to replace treeassist as its more customizable) The errors I get are "mineobj not found but time trigger still exists" for all the mines.
I cant disable a good plugin everytime prisonmine doesnt want to load itself :\ Are there altrnatives to this plugin? It would be great if it didnt have to many incompatible plugins :(
Hey, I have a couple of questions.
1. I have made all my mines reset at the same time. Now how do I make it so that only one message appears?
2. Can I remove a /setparent?
3. Does /mine prot place blacklist + /mine prot place + flint_and_steel make it impossible for prisoners to light the wood mine on fire?
Can someone make a remake, please.
your telling us cause?
I just updated it, but for myself only because it is not open source. And before people get mad, realize the following: Java is easily decompiled. My friend needed it quite badly, and I helped him out.
Tons of issues. The mine signs wont stay active, The mine shows errors in console left and right, Today It was resetting one mine over and over non-stop. This needs an massive update. Open source it so we can modify it?
if I do /mine prot whitelist or whatever the command is , it will block all blocks being placed until I add any on the whitelist itself ? So just toggle in blocks all placements ?
Thanks, Pete
I have the same problem but i dont know how can i fix it....sorry, anyone want to take this plugin please?
Are you sure you did 60 for one minute and not 1? the time is in seconds, not minutes.
This is the format: hh:mm:ss
You need to change mines when editing a new one.
Like maxlehot1234 said, do /mine edit <newminename> to change to the new mine and edit it.
The perms are actually listed wrong. Use minereset instead of prison.mine
Mine spams the reset Broadcast and keeps reseting certain mines A-D any reason only some of the mines are being spammed the reset and the other mines don't seem to exist I think they are different worlds those that effect it at all? Email [email protected] Skype: Johnbmwtech
hi the commands are not working but they are still working in the command console
anyone have this issue , I am using 1.7.2 , all set up ok , used prison wand etc and set 3 mines up and working , I added a /mine reset time 300 to each 1 and started to work. However now after first 5 mins and first reset the mine then resets every 1 second instead of the selected 5 mins. Anyone else had this , I reset server , reloaded and reset up mines more then once etc and still have the same problem , it seems to be when I have more then 1 mine.
Any help as I know developer not here anymore :(
I can't find the IP.