Prison Mine 1.3
Tired of a tedious and complicated process of creating refillable mines on your prison server? Tired of different plugins not working together? Tired of people going straight for the diamonds, the location of which they remember? I have good news for you.
With PrisonMine, all you need to do is set up an area, set up the block ratios using an easy-to-remember command, and now you can set it to a randomized pattern using one command, any time you want, anywhere you want. Reset the mine manually through a command, let the timer decide when the reset should occur, or make the mine reset itself once it is mined out to a certain extent! Or let your players reset the mine by clicking a button, for a price that you set.
PrisonMine + Tutorials + Commands + Permissions + Configuration + Source ![]() + Issues + Development Builds Optional Dependencies: + Vault + WorldEdit | PrisonSuite 1.3 PrisonMine 1.3 |
The plugin is packed the features; all of them are listed on the Commands page, but here's a quick glimpse:
- Select a region with ease, either with built-in commands or with a World Edit wand
- Add a custom block ratio - all materials supported
- Reset the mine with one command or with a click on a sign!
- Multiple generators – control the way your mine is to be reset
- Set up an automatic reset timer for each of the mines
- Link mines together and make them share the same timer
- Teleport players out of the mine before it resets
- Permissions support
- Per-mine permissions!
- Customizable messages to be broadcasted to players
- Plugin update notifications
The most up-to-date tutorial was made by Koz4christ
Tutorial in Portuguese by AbsintoJ.
Outdated tutorial: Plugin Showcase: Mine Reset by MarchOfTheForsaken
Statistical Data Collection
This plugin utilizes Plugin Metrics, a tool used to collect anonymous data that will help me in the development of the plugin. Only basic information about the server is collected, no personal data is compromised. The full description of Plugin Metrics can be found on Bukkit Dev forums.
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Ok no problem, just w8ing for bukkit dev aproval ;). Ty for ur time.
Bukkit Dev administration takes forever to approve new files. The 1.1 version that you got was not approved, I substituted the fixed one instead.
Oh yeah, and you will have to delete your test mine file, @enetocs. It contains an error that cannot be fixed automatically.
Doing my best.
@enetocs @bitWolfy @enetocs
All that errores are with the 1.1 version mate ;). Guess u can fix it. Thanks
Works like a charm on 1.4.6. Excellent plugin with all the features of the original MineReset.
@bitWolfy, thanks again for making this awesome plugin.
PrisonMine 1.1 has been released
This plugin is dependent on PrisonSuite and will NOT work without it.
Compatible with PrisonSuite 1.0a for CB 1.4.6-R0.1.
Nope, just tried to create a new one, i didnt use the import tool. Here is the mine data:
Error log? Anything?
Can I have you mine data file? It looks like it is corrupted... Did you use the import tool to import your mines from MRL?
Plus, PrisonMine 1.0 does not work on the beta build for some people for whatever reason. I have submitted PrisonMine 1.1, which should be compatible, but Bukkit administration takes its sweet time to approve it.
Hi bitWolfy, got several errors on 1.4.6 beta r0.1
And timers never fall down.
Thx for ur plugins, meanwhile im using the mineresetlite, still working ;)
Edit: Love the new option where the mine can be reset when the composition is below some %.
For some reason this plugin will not load in my Linux server, please help! I even tried removing every plugin and that didn't help :L
Updated PrisonMine to work with CraftBukkit 1.4.6_R0.1. Awaiting approval.
if you do /mine help it sais /mine
Did you just type /mine If you did, It gives you an internal error.. Do /mine help for a list of commands If that didn't work... It must be another thing.
Error: 23.12 17:02:00 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'mine' in plugin PrisonMine v1.0 23.12 17:02:00 [Server] SEVERE null
I do have prison suit too and vault Dont know what is the problem please help running 1.4.6
Darn it. Perfect time for me to start implementing flags...
Sarcasm detected.
Works in 1.4.6(Dev).
DOEZ IT WORKZ 4 1.4.6?!!?!?!?!?!?1/
Ah darn! PrisonMine doesn't work with the new beta version of craftbukkit for 1.4.6! I guess ill be downgrading to the developement build . :P
Surprisingly, MineReset does work on CB build #2550, even though it should not. 1.4.5 craftbukkit renamed several methods that are critical to the timer functions that I use for automatic reset.
And no, you would not have to redo all the mines. The instructions are here, I tried to make them as simple as possible.
@bitWolfy I have your previous plugin mine reset. Does that plugin not work with 1.4.6? Also, if I install this plugin, will I have to redo all the mines?
There we go, uploaded the file. The link is updated as well, waiting for the actual file to be approved. Here are some things:
That's all. Enjoy.