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UploadedFeb 8, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- Added a full item name display system so you can see enchantments, custom names, and other meta data for all item-* actions
- Added smart item grouping to lookup queries. Records with the exact same block/item, player, and action will be combined into a single record with a count of how many records there are. If for some reason you need to disable this for a query, use the new "-no-group" flag
- Added proper tracking of written book titles and their authors (not yet tracking content)
Adding "k:" (keyword) parameter so you can keyword-search records. Mainly useful for command/chat logs
Changed inspection wand to only operate when you have nothing in your hand, so we don't interfere with block actions
Now logging (on by default) players throwing splash potions
- Now logging (on by default) players filling buckets - lava, water, and milk
- Now logging (off by default) players picking up XP (xp-pickup)
- Now logging (off by default) players teleporting using portals and enderpearls
- Now logging (off by default) sheep dye actions (entity-dye)
- Now logging (off default) players enchanting items with an enchantment table
- Now logging (off default) players crafting items on a crafting table
- Now logging sign text on all block destruction actions so we can properly roll back text that we didn't record the placement of
Now logging and rolling back custom item names (given through anvils)
Fixed bug that did not restore a skull owner's name correctly
- Fixed how rollbacks of block-place events treat items with different states (redstone torches, repeaters, lamps, etc)
- Fixed item removals from furnace breaks not tracking
Fixed item rollbacks for dispensers
Minor config default values changes. Ignoring creative and flow events now off by default
- Major rewrite of item tracking data format for a lot more flexibility (and consistency). Old data formats will be supported for a while
- Rewrote how we parse time strings. Much cleaner, easier to manage, better at detecting syntax errors
- Minor internal cleanup in preparation for releasing our API examples
- Published a very basic example of using the Prism API
Older changelogs available at: