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UploadedJan 17, 2013
Size218.08 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R0.1
Prism-v1.0.0-Beta-1-29 is an intermediate build as we work towards beta 2.
- Fixed critical NPE when players placed cocoa plants
- Corrected issues with waterflow over the same area not tracking
- Corrected issues with water breaks not recording some items too close together
- Some unimportant errors changed to debug mode only so they don't worry players
- Adding command aliases: lookup/l, page/pg, wand/w, ?/help, etc.
- Attempt to create the mysql database if it does not exist and mysql user has sufficient perms
Prism-v1.0.0-Beta-1-22 is an intermediate build as we work towards beta 2.
- Fixed a critical block action bug where blocks showed as "something"
- Data record async improvements.
1.0.0 Beta 1-20 is an intermediate build as we work towards beta 2.
- Fixed "prism.time-since" error shows every command
- Fixed monster spawners not tracking type correctly
- Queries expire sooner, but are renewed with each re-access.
- Multiple internal sections of code cleaned up
- Merged "spawner/skull break/place" actions into block_break
- Properly disabling plugin on failure to connect to mysql
- Properly restoring enchantments on a:remove rollbacks
- Attempting to fix NPE caused by other plugins using custom entities to explode