
Add 3D Printing to your server

3D Printing with Printcraft

Printbot is a plugin that integrates with Printcraft, a Minecraft 3D printing web portal. It allows you to easily add 3D printing capability to your server. Find out about Printcraft on our website This is the same plugin that we use on our own custom 3D printing servers, and it connects to our webservice to upload and process model files.


Printbot depends on and uses the regions and selection capabilities of WorldGuard and WorldEdit to pick a portion of the world to print.

Printbot has only three commands:

  • /print [regionname][playername]

Uploads a model as defined by a WorldGuard region to Printcraft's web service for 3D printing.

  • /printselection [playername]

Uploads a model as defined by a WorldEdit selection to Printcraft's web service for 3D printing.

  • /put [code] [angle] [x y z] [worldname]

Download a model defined by a code, which is on the model's Printcraft web page, and places it in Minecraft.


  • /print - to print the WorldGuard region you are standing in
  • /print region1 - to print WorldGuard called region1
  • /print region1 paulharter - to print WorldGuard called region1 for the player paulharter
  • /printselection - to print your current WorldEdit selection
  • /printselection paulharter - to print your current WorldEdit selection for the player paulharter
  • /put - Places a preselected Printcraft model at the cursor
  • /put gs8em07ctg - Places the Printcraft model with this loadcode at the cursor
  • /put gs8em07ctg 90 - Places the Printcraft model with this loadcode at the cursor rotated 90 degrees
  • /put gs8em07ctg 90 25 62 38 - Places model rotated 90 degrees at x=25 y=62 z=38 in your current world
  • /put gs8em07ctg 90 25 62 38 worldname - Places model in a specific world rotated 90 degrees at x=25 y=62 z=38

When Printbot "prints" what it actually does is upload the model to a web service that processes the file in the background and makes it available for download from a webpage as an STL file, which can be printed on any 3D printer. The link to this web page is presented to the player.

Commercial 3D Printing

Printcraft also offers simple one click integration with two commercial 3D printing services, iMaterialise and Shapeways. They are industry leading online 3D-printing bureau services.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 13, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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