


PowerIsland is a Skyblock survival plugin.
Players can create an island and survive with limited resources alone or with friends.
It's a great addition to your server, giving player choice what they want to play and resulting in more players




  1. Download the .jar
  2. Drag and drop the .jar in your plugins folder of your server
  3. Restart/Reload your server.


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In order to use PowerIsland a world need to be made
Using bukkit.yml

    generator: PowerIsland

Using Multiverse Core

/mv create skyblock normal -g PowerIsland

Using MultiWorld

/mw create skyblock plugin:PowerIsland

After that the setup is complete, teleport to the world you just made and use /pi create




* Command Permission Default Info
* /powerisland powerisland.cmd.powerisland true Main command
* /pi help powerisland.cmd.help true Display the commands
* /pi create powerisland.cmd.create true Create an island
* /pi reset powerisland.cmd.reset true Reset your island
* /pi home powerisland.cmd.home true Teleport to your island's home
* /pi sethome powerisland.cmd.home true Set your island's home
* /pi trust <player> powerisland.cmd.trust true Let a player build on your island
* /pi untrust <player> powerisland.cmd.trust true Revoke access from the player to build on your island
* /pi enablemobs [player] powerisland.cmd.mobs op Enable mob spawning on a island
* /pi disablemobs [player] powerisland.cmd.mobs op Disable mob spawning on a island
*   powerisland.restoreLava true Right-Click Obsidian with a bucket to get your lava back
*   powerisland.buildanywhere false Build on any island


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 18, 2016
  • Last Released File
    May 15, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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