
When a splash potion is placed in the inventory quickbar slot immediately to the right of a bow, an arrow striking a living entity (player, creeper, etc.) will consume the potion and transfer its effects, as well as the arrow's normal damage, to the entity.

Version 0.2 adds more permission nodes to allow for better plugin configuration. The old configuration file from previous versions is no longer used and can be deleted. There are three nodes that control how splash potion stacking works:


Only splash potions to the immediate right of a bow will be consumed. If the slot contains a stack of splash potions the entire stack will be consumed in one shot.


This node lets players place a stack of splash potions to the immediate right of the bow and use them one at a time. Additional potions or potion stacks of the exact same effect can be placed anywhere to the left of the bow and will be consumed one at a time from left to right.


This allows additional splash potions/stacks of any type that are queued to the left of the bow to be used one at a time from left to right.

You only need to add one of these three permissions to a group because they automatically include the previous permission. There is one other node that is entirely separate:


This enables non-splash potions to be used and queued according to which of the previous three permissions were set. Non-splash potion effects are always applied to the Player and not the entity hit with the arrow! If this permission is not set to true, non-splash potions will be ignored.

Please be aware that all permissions default to true for OPs. If you do not want non-splash potion effects applied to OP Players, set potionarrows.nonsplash: false

Potions with no effect (water bottles, mundane potions, etc.) are always ignored.

Please note that certain mobs are affected differently by splash potions:

  • Spiders and Cave Spiders are Unaffected by Poison.
  • Skeletons, Zombies and Zombie Pigmen are Unaffected by Poison and Regeneration, Healed by Instant Harm and Damaged by Instant Health.

Check out a video review of the plugin by OfficialK4G


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